The Hot Steamy Summer Pre-Retreat Message

Before any Teaching, the Transmission ramps up, life and mind slows down, different things happen and there is a tonne of detox. Always remember, drink water, avoid sticky foods, get lots of sleep before you attend a Teaching event.

“Enlightenment is closer than you imagine!”

Dear Enlightenment Participant!

2 days to the Island Retreat. Are you feeling the heat, yet? It’s been a sultry 86F (30C), punctuated by warm sunny showers. Even the lakes are steaming!

o group walk pier

I’m feeling it. I have been lounging beside a forest lake for 10 days. Well, not always lounging; I had time to make a teaching video which you will get to see after we figure out how to edit it properly for online viewing.

I also got out the yellow hardhat to work on the new v.2.0. I and our hardworking tech, Nico, are excited with the delightful new features that will make it easier for you to find and watch videos, articles, book classes and replays and listen to free audio.

But alas! Computers are not responding well to my carbon-based touch. Nothing new, but rarer these days. After arriving back home, I immediately blew my desktop computer and a vacuum cleaner.

I hope I don’t blow up at the Retreat with all the "cosmic cleaning" (that expression care of a pair of Antipodeans) which is already happening. Normally, machines adapt to work very well around me except when I am buzzing as I am now.

Before any Teaching, the Transmission ramps up, life and mind slows down, different things happen and there is a tonne of detox. Always remember, drink water, avoid sticky foods, get lots of sleep before you attend a Teaching event.

I am going to be offline soon for about 10 days. But I’ll certainly be back with spiritual internet classes starting Sunday 8th August. You will be the first to know the new online class titles if you are subscribed to the online classes update list at (you need to login and go to Settings). It has been fun giving the classes and constantly improving the delivery.

Finally, I want to emphasise what the Oshana Enlightenment Teaching is really about. It’s about saying goodbye to the old you: your constructed, artificial identity. It’s not about improving that old wrecked model but bringing out the shining model which has been patiently waiting in a barn under a tarpaulin. So allow yourself a vacation away from your old self and life as you knew it. The reward is potentially great – Enlightenment!

Looking forward to seeing you on the other side of Enlightenment!

Dave O.

The Solution For Every Mental Stress

The Comforting Discovery That Mental Troubles Do Not Exist.

Today, I can now reveal how I was able to quickly release total strangers of their mental suffering and strife in open meetings.

My Enlightenment Day realisations included: A person can not be truly unhappy. A person carries their troubles in their mind. The a person can drop their troubles very fast.

The Comforting Discovery That Mental Troubles Do Not Exist.

Today, I can now reveal how I was able to quickly release total strangers of their mental suffering and strife in open meetings.

I received many important psychological realisations when my life changed on Enlightenment Day, 19th June 2000 – discoveries which could end mental suffering for every person on the planet. It became my mission to test that this is true by holding no-holds-barred, all-challenges-accepted Open Meetings. The challenge was either you leave having inherited all the happiness in the Universe or I go home broken, defeated, depressed and carrying all your sorrows. A pretty good deal.

My Enlightenment Day realisations included:

  • There is not an unhappy thought in my mind or body
  • A person can not be truly unhappy
  • A person carries their troubles in their mind
  • A person can drop their mentally held troubles in an instant

I demonstrated the truth of these assertions in meetings where total strangers professing chronic life-long depression and frequent suicidal ideation were transformed in an instant to laughing, uncomplaining, happy bundles of fun. Not necessarily cured for life but had at least opened the door for the next project, permanent Enlightenment.

When I brought these transformations in front of audiences, there were no detailed explanations, but today I can now reveal the secrets of what was being applied behind the scenes. I can open your senses, to perceive how it worked. It is my desire that you use these abilities responsibly, because with such power many different outcomes are possible. Changing people not only changes their life, but everyone around them, and the world with it.

You can now understand why I am careful about who I teach. If you wish to attend this online class, and have never been in my classes, please write early and let me know more about yourself.

For regular students: book your online classes now at As always: first come, first served. You will receive a helpful email about preparing for the class.

Join the online class or book the replay, event info:

The Solution For Every Mental Stress

The Enlightenment Teaching Legacy: Transmission, Power, Responsibility

With the free gift of Transmission the Oshana student is exposed to a powerful transformation process which affects their identity, behaviour and self-perception. This will present openings and challenges and invisibly present others with the hidden power to evolve. The student is strongly counselled to make the most of the potential spiritual growth energy which the Transmission brings, to move with it and not resist, to be gentle with others whilst fully conscious when they are ready to evolve. Hence, Transmission is a gift not only to the individual but also to significant others and the whole planet.

This Transmission Intensive opens up the spiritual seekers’ awareness of the wider dimensions involved in being a spiritual student, teacher and recipient of the Enlightenment Transmission.

Typically, in mass produced spirituality spiritual seekers are not brought “inside the door” i.e. given the necessary experiences, information and understanding to make the spiritual journey from gross identification to self-liberation.

In the Oshana Spiritual Teaching only a small number of students are taught allowing for the best possible customised learning environment beyond direct One-to-One tuition (which be excruciatingly intense and exacting).

With the free gift of the constantly available Transmission the Oshana student is exposed to a powerfully inexorable transformation process which will unstoppingly affect their identity, behaviour and self-perception. This will present openings and challenges and invisibly present others with the hidden power to evolve.

The student is strongly counselled to make the most of the potential spiritual growth energy which the Transmission brings, to move with it and not resist, to be gentle with others whilst fully conscious when they are ready to evolve. Hence, Transmission is a gift not only to the individual but also to significant others and the whole planet.

If time and relevance permits, and because it is Easter Sunday, we will take the real life example of Jesus (Christ) and explore how he managed this incredible energy and sought to fulfil duty to others.

Lights, Action, Transmission! After the Blast

Anyone who has experienced Transmission knows it is well powerful. Transmission is the real come to awaken you to the real. Seeker reactions to Transmission vary but there is always a reaction. Transmission is the long awaited big wave. How to surf it all the way home? Spiritual training is preparation for the Beyond The Beyond. Enter-taining? Apply with-in.

Anyone who has experienced Transmission knows it’s well powerful. As real as anything speeding on the road and then some (more). Transmission is the real come to awaken you to the real.

Like being awakened early? Some people do, and some don’t. Seekers’ reactions to Transmission vary but there is always a reaction from stunned amazed to stunned. That in itself is an event, a phenomenon, that people are affected at all. It isn’t the norm for spiritual events, except charismatic/cathartic rituals, which are typically as unstimulating as the umpteenth cold tea which the vicar accepted but did not drink (which is why stoned stimulant seekers, eschew the Salvation Army in favour of peyote-toting neo-shamans. “More E vicar?” will be the clarion call of the spiritually bankrupt bankrolling machine.)

It’s no wonder that spiritual seekers seek refuge in the last place that a Self-respecting aspirant should be seen – the bookshop. It’s the only place that seems to offer sense in the free market chaos of the topsy-turvy spiritual shopping mall. But it’s a trap, and enslavement to something far worse than the mail order book club debt-collector on the door – the mind’s machinations. Whilst prize courgette may grow from poop, the thousand-petalled lotus never arose from the dead-end mind. Minds don’t do wisdom anything like Consciousness does.

If Transmission is the long awaited big wave, then how to surf it all the way home? Forget about style, just hang on to that board, whatever happens it will be out of this world. That’s what this spiritual training is about, preparation for out-of-this-world, not the next world, but the Beyond The Beyond in this life, living from that place. Can you do two things at once? This is simpler.

If you followed this riff thus far and felt an immediate “yes yes, yes yes, yes yes” then apply with-in. If you didn’t then I hope you at least were enter-tained.

Absolute Trust In Total Existence

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

Complete rest and peace – when will it ever come? It does not need to come because it has always been here. Do not consider it a destination – for it is a journey of zero distance. Therefore effort, goal setting and reward seeking behaviour are inappropriate tools for your eventual transition to absolute peace of mind.

In the beginning you had pure peace and joy. You have not taken a journey away from it in this world. Therefore world effort and the things of this world cannot supply the solution.

The tragic event was a subtle internal shift of focus. A slip up from which you have eternally but erratically tried to recover your footing. The faster you back pedal, the more you lose your balance.

This Transmission Teaching is here to make obvious the exact subtle inner shift required to move from the World of Form and Appearance to the Realm Before Manifestation, the place of All-Knowing.

There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. This Sunday and every Sunday discover amazing rare spiritual treasures. Book your online classes now at First come, first served. You will receive a guidance email full of helpful suggestions for attending the live online class.

Releasing the Ego’s Grip

Dave Oshana gives practical suggestions to deal with the biggest continual problem in your life: your ego.

Watch out! Here comes the biggest challenge of your spiritual life. Huh! What’s that? Laziness, fear, doubt, meditator’s knee, the Catholic nun who taught you? No, not even close. It’s The Ego!

The Ego gets blamed for everything even the kitchen sink, if not at first, then inevitably in the end. The word “ego” is used on in common language, psychology, psychotherapy and spirituality. Wherever you look you find different definitions but generally the consensus opinion is that the ego is not good, bad, nasty, contaminating and reason for quick shower. But few people can find, let alone shake it off.

The Oshana Teaching makes it simple by taking aim at what you can identify: the problems in your life and by tracing them back to their causes dealing with the issue at source. So we are always dealing with what is real which makes our actions practical. Most common ideas about the ego are theoretical and the methods impossible to practice.

In the Oshana Teaching the ego’s influence is identified, traced and resolved.