Jesus’ Path – Increasing The Good Works

A Martian tuning over the last few weeks might assume that this blog is about nothing more than the Jokela High School massacre. He or she (presuming that Martians have sex like everyone else – gratuitous anthropomorphic search engine bait noted) might wonder what does this blog have to do with Spiritual Enlightenment? Of course, it has everything to do with Enlightenment. Healing the immense psychological trauma resulting from the Jokela tragedy has everything to do with the enlightened life.

An enlightened person cannot just switch off and pretend that the Jokela High School children are not intensely confused and afraid. Daily they walk the same corridors where the blood of their friends and family was spilled. The trauma radiates out of Jokela like a seismic tsunami engulfing Finland and the world. Reports of copy-cat incidents planned, thwarted and attempted are coming in daily.

I would like to report that it is all being taken care of by the authorities, by the angels or life – but it isn’t. If teachers are breaking down seven years after the Columbine Massacre then what waits around the corner in Jokela? We can’t solve every problem today, but are Finnish children convinced that they are any safer now? Nothing has changed. While the rest of Finland might forget, the Jokela kids will remember their scars forever.
[I can get back to the Jokela issue in another post or maybe even start a new blog about social issues.]

A Martian, I am sure, would read deeper into this blog. In some parts of the world, let alone the universe, good enlightenment teaching is non-existent. You don’t want to go there, believe me! The Martian will harvest all the enlightenment information which there is to get – the sweet with the sour, the rough with the smooth.

For good enlightenment teaching to happen there has to be digging. Digging to find a qualified teacher, digging for the right questions and the teacher has to dig to get all of the teaching out of himself. Not 1% of what I have spoken has ever reached the internet and not 1% of what I could teach has ever been spoken – so that’s less than 1/10,000 of the teaching is out in the wild.

I know some seekers hope that enlightenment is simply unending bliss – it is- but it is also never-ending responsibility to free souls from suffering. This leads nicely into the subject of Jesus. You know, Jesus? Hint: He isn’t the guy that invented Christmas, presents, trees and all. Do you know why He came to us?

What I wanted to let you see is some of the other stuff that I do, in this case, a post which I am writing to my Finnish students. Normally you won’t get to see those posts. This recent post is about the upcoming Jesus teaching event. I will post it as the next blog item soon. So much to write and so little time . . .

PostScript: The promised blog item was posted two days later, enjoy : To Be Good One Must Do Good

Parents Ordered to Court for Kids’ Injections – Nov 17, 2007

The post
Parents Ordered to Court for Kids’ Injections

has permanently moved to

Read my blog Un-Enlightened Society if you are not afraid to know how bad it gets before you can get to make it better

Does Buddha Wear Harmony Hairspray?

I was recently asked a question that has been doing the rounds for at least a decade. Sort of like a chain letter with 21 sayings allegedly by the Dalai Lama which ends with the warning “if you don’t send this letter on to 10 friends then you will die, horribly and painfully”. If you get one of these emails then you have to wonder if the sender is really a true friend.

The question was something like “Some people suggest that after Enlightenment there is no person, but you seem to talk as if there is a person. So is there a person? What is your experience of Enlightenment?”

The last question is also a trick question thrown in at the end of a whole load of conceptual confusion. Supposedly if you are enlightened then you can’t talk about it because if you do then you lose your enlightened status. Voi helvetti! (Expletive known by only 5 million people of which I am not one)

There are encampments of believers, I think they call themselves, non-dualists, who seem to believe that by attacking the richness of the English language that they will be rewarded with Nirvana.

This is all very complicated to dissect. I agree with so much that they say, up to a point, and then no further – and even less with what they do in their spare time.

I think the non-dualists are flogging a dead horse. The alarming tendency today is that the non-dualist ideology today is not being wielded by gentlemen of skillful means, as it used to be, but by fanatics who find their life’s meaning in shouting down all no-believers. I believe that England and America are in their darkest hour as a new wave of extremists has hit their shores: the non-dualists.

The non-dualists go by various names: advaitics, advaitists, neo-advaitists, Brother of the Open Secret Tea and Biscuits club, Satsang Federation and Bums on Seats. Some of those names are currently only whispered in hushed tones in certain inner circles because the non-dualists know that they are still in the minority. But their grass roots movement is growing, especially in Germany and parts of America.

Any philosophy can be abused and used to support wrong-doing. Non-dualism has that potential. The non-dual mafia will excuse their crimes thus “there was no-one there, no victim, no criminal, nothing ever happened”. Hopefully, the non-dualists don’t penetrate as far as the House of Lords and the Court for Human Rights.

Enlightenment is not an external thing. An enlightened person does not have to talk a certain way. What you might reasonably expect though is that they know what they are talking about.

Communication is about reaching people. Chopping sentences to fit a non-dualist Procrustean bed severely cripples the richness of the English language. As my words are frequently translated I generally speak as clearly as possible for the sake of my translator and audience. I only let loose my full verbal range when I am back in London.

Enlightenment teachers cannot be judged just on the basis of their words. I like to talk. I like language. I have to like it because I use it. However, it is becoming clearer to me that that the Enlightenment Transmission can be spread through a variety of expressions. This is especially possible because the Teaching is primarily energetic with a only a small component being verbal.

The only way to reply to a non-dualist is to ask an inscrutable koan “Does Buddha Wear Harmony Hairspray?”

The koan is based on a British TV hairspray advert: Harmony Hairspray. Wherein a walking woman with long bouncy hair turns the heads of everyone she confidently passes to the refrain of “Is she….or isn’t she….?” which expands to “Is she or isn’t she wearing Harmony hairspray?”

Of course, no one can be certain. She might just have naturally healthy hair (she is after all a professional model) . The answer comes in the final frame – in her handbag we glimpse a can of… … which I can only describe as some sort of CFC and vaporised gluey globules combination.

In the Buddha’s time the non-dualists would have sat on the side-lines with scorecards. Every time Siddhartha uttered the word Enlightenment they would have downgraded him. Eventually, of course, Buddha’s negative scores would be less than everyone else’s because he loves talking about Enlightenment!

Enlightenment can be known. You might not know if someone is enlightened for sure, but that’s not the point. The live issue is how close can they get you to a state of self-realisation with the assistance of that person.

Fortunately, in my own life as a teacher, the Transmission takes care of others. It brings purification, energy, purpose, direction, many wonderful, mysterious and miraculous things.

Where Yo Been, Oshana?

A period of absence from this blog.

Everywhere else I have been busy.

The last quarter of the year was left free for teaching projects with international reach: video, teleconferencing and a complete renovation of my 5 sites. My wife now advises me to purchase a 6th site. Can you believe a wife who happily creates more computer work for her husband? As she is psychic I will comply.

I have been avoiding the computer as much as possible which seems to be less and less, meaning I am more and more involved. All event planning seems to involve piles of emails. The latest big project was teaching in Estonia. A great country but a language like no other, except a bit like Finnish, which is ideal since I only know a tidbit of Finnish.

Times have changed from whence I did everything flying by the seat of my pants. I still do but being a teacher, like being a parent, involves never ending responsibilities.

Which is why I am happy that some of my students have become teachers.

Oh, I didn’t say that I received a peace award on my Enlightenment birthday, 19 June. My wife has it on the piano which I can see when I go to the fridge. It reminds my mind of who I am.

The online enlightenment video project (YouTube probably) was delayed because Helsinki got hit by more lightning in 2 minutes than did in 2 years. Lightning is a sign to switch off the PCs which I forgot to do because I was filming the lightning. Fortunately, all PCs found the Resurrection after 3 days wallowing in the underworld.

My sites will be updated and re-served. (What would you like with your computer chips – enlightenment sauce?) We have an ambitious visual computation graduate who likes the application: Ruby on Rails. I mention that in case there is anyone out there with Rails experience. Job advert over.

Also, seriously what do you think of the web-sites. Tell me the worst and best. 1 month amnesty starting from today. Provide solutions.

I won’t give you the whole list of things I have been doing. Just to mention I like seaweed soup, steamed rice and chilli paste for breakfast. KoreanAir has great service even if the vegetarian option looked too ambiguous to eat. They gave me extra food. Finnair gave me my vegetarian option to another passenger because I slept too long (22 hour flying total time). BritishAirways have committed worse crimes against vegetarians – turkey in a melted cheese roll.

Oh, why did I write all that. I was a delegate attending a peace conference in Korea. 6 days. Too much to write. Still making sense of it.

Two of my students are getting married. I will give a speech. I know what to do. I was at a wedding in London in August. Extended stay. Marriage is really important. I would tell you if you were here. Eventually my observations will get to you, wherever you are. Think how that could be made possible.

First, though, the 5 6 web-sites have to be made ready.
