The Solution For Every Mental Stress

The Comforting Discovery That Mental Troubles Do Not Exist.

Today, I can now reveal how I was able to quickly release total strangers of their mental suffering and strife in open meetings.

My Enlightenment Day realisations included: A person can not be truly unhappy. A person carries their troubles in their mind. The a person can drop their troubles very fast.

The Comforting Discovery That Mental Troubles Do Not Exist.

Today, I can now reveal how I was able to quickly release total strangers of their mental suffering and strife in open meetings.

I received many important psychological realisations when my life changed on Enlightenment Day, 19th June 2000 – discoveries which could end mental suffering for every person on the planet. It became my mission to test that this is true by holding no-holds-barred, all-challenges-accepted Open Meetings. The challenge was either you leave having inherited all the happiness in the Universe or I go home broken, defeated, depressed and carrying all your sorrows. A pretty good deal.

My Enlightenment Day realisations included:

  • There is not an unhappy thought in my mind or body
  • A person can not be truly unhappy
  • A person carries their troubles in their mind
  • A person can drop their mentally held troubles in an instant

I demonstrated the truth of these assertions in meetings where total strangers professing chronic life-long depression and frequent suicidal ideation were transformed in an instant to laughing, uncomplaining, happy bundles of fun. Not necessarily cured for life but had at least opened the door for the next project, permanent Enlightenment.

When I brought these transformations in front of audiences, there were no detailed explanations, but today I can now reveal the secrets of what was being applied behind the scenes. I can open your senses, to perceive how it worked. It is my desire that you use these abilities responsibly, because with such power many different outcomes are possible. Changing people not only changes their life, but everyone around them, and the world with it.

You can now understand why I am careful about who I teach. If you wish to attend this online class, and have never been in my classes, please write early and let me know more about yourself.

For regular students: book your online classes now at As always: first come, first served. You will receive a helpful email about preparing for the class.

Join the online class or book the replay, event info:

The Solution For Every Mental Stress

Sex, Enlightenment and the Throbbing Pink Elephant in the Corner

This online class seeks to clear up much of the confusion around sex and spirituality by exploring the deeper meaning and purpose of sex. The benefits could be a greater understanding of sex, clarity, cast-iron abstinence or mile high enjoyment.

How to Avoid Abusing Your Mind, Body And Thingy

This online class seeks to clear up much of the confusion around sex and spirituality by exploring the deeper meaning and purpose of sex. The benefits could be a greater understanding of sex, clarity, cast-iron abstinence or mile high enjoyment.

Other areas we might touch upon, depending on the audience and if your mum is listening next door, could include:

  • Who 1? One, None or Many Partners?
  • Who’s Mr Right? Mr Byrite, Mr Sex Athlete, Mr Sexual Animal, Mr 90’s Man (new age)
  • Relax, Don’t Do It? To Come or Not to Come? The Sexual Energy Reservoir
  • Position? In, Out, Shake It All About?
  • Frequency? Once a day or every hour?
  • Men vs Woman? Are they really different? Finally the Truth
  • Sex and The Single Swami?
  • Guru Sex – Good Idea or Bad Practice?
  • Sex Clubs Which Masquerade as Spiritual Groups and vice-versa
  • Sexual Paths To Enlightenment – Do They Exist?
  • The Throbbing Pink Elephant in the Corner*
  • And much, much more serious subjects . . .

Finally, all participants are welcome to join the after class hook up on webcam ( if you believe all of this then you don’t need to apply)

Please bring your intelligent questions and see if the Transmission does it’s famous work of answering them before you even ask.

[Note: Certain parts of this event description have been censored to avoid an 18+ site rating ]

Sex, Enlightenment and the Throbbing Pink Elephant in the Corner