Before any Teaching, the Transmission ramps up, life and mind slows down, different things happen and there is a tonne of detox. Always remember, drink water, avoid sticky foods, get lots of sleep before you attend a Teaching event.
“Enlightenment is closer than you imagine!”
Dear Enlightenment Participant!
2 days to the Island Retreat. Are you feeling the heat, yet? It’s been a sultry 86F (30C), punctuated by warm sunny showers. Even the lakes are steaming!

I’m feeling it. I have been lounging beside a forest lake for 10 days. Well, not always lounging; I had time to make a teaching video which you will get to see after we figure out how to edit it properly for online viewing.
I also got out the yellow hardhat to work on the new v.2.0. I and our hardworking tech, Nico, are excited with the delightful new features that will make it easier for you to find and watch videos, articles, book classes and replays and listen to free audio.
But alas! Computers are not responding well to my carbon-based touch. Nothing new, but rarer these days. After arriving back home, I immediately blew my desktop computer and a vacuum cleaner.
I hope I don’t blow up at the Retreat with all the "cosmic cleaning" (that expression care of a pair of Antipodeans) which is already happening. Normally, machines adapt to work very well around me except when I am buzzing as I am now.
Before any Teaching, the Transmission ramps up, life and mind slows down, different things happen and there is a tonne of detox. Always remember, drink water, avoid sticky foods, get lots of sleep before you attend a Teaching event.
I am going to be offline soon for about 10 days. But I’ll certainly be back with spiritual internet classes starting Sunday 8th August. You will be the first to know the new online class titles if you are subscribed to the online classes update list at (you need to login and go to Settings). It has been fun giving the classes and constantly improving the delivery.
Finally, I want to emphasise what the Oshana Enlightenment Teaching is really about. It’s about saying goodbye to the old you: your constructed, artificial identity. It’s not about improving that old wrecked model but bringing out the shining model which has been patiently waiting in a barn under a tarpaulin. So allow yourself a vacation away from your old self and life as you knew it. The reward is potentially great – Enlightenment!
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side of Enlightenment!
Dave O.