Paradise Lost and Now Found
The main theme of the Teaching for this year is that all problems come from a lack or loss of Love.
It follows that the solution is to redress that issue.
In recent live online Teacher Calls we have traced that lack and loss of Love back to our Original Parents, the first man and woman, the mother and father of humanity. We have seen how all problems have been inherited from The Beginning. We understand that we came from Paradise and our aim is to return to Paradise, to Eden Regained.
And so the next live online Teacher Call is ‘Regaining Eden, Enlightenment Transmission and Absolute Love for Everyone’. If you want Eden Regained, if you want to return to the Original Paradise then you should book this Teacher Call immediately. In return you will get advance Orientation and stronger, longer doses of Enlightenment Transmission before the actual event on Sunday 31stJanuary.
You can further research the subject before the live Teacher Call by reading my latest article ‘Regaining Eden, Establishing Heaven on Earth and Warding off Evil’.
This week there will be one or more replays of last Sunday’s ‘The Male-Female Relationship is the Ideal Home for Enlightenment Transmission and Heaven on Earth’.
You can request Replays of any live Teacher Call from the New Year’s Eve Message onward to be directly live streamed to your computer, phone or device. Please make your listening requests by email, giving your preferred dates and times.
If you want the ‘7 Day Blessing’ of Enlightenment Transmission Winter Island Retreat (20th -27th February) then you should reserve your place now!
Snowy white Eden Enlightenment Transmission Blessings,