New YouTube video channel ‘Dave Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching’

Subscribe our new YouTube video channel ‘Dave Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching’ to get access and real-time updates about direct, entertaining and insightful video broadcasts of Dave Oshana sharing Enlightenment Transmission.

Subscribe our new YouTube video channel ‘Dave Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching’ to get access and real-time updates about direct, entertaining and insightful video broadcasts of Dave Oshana sharing Enlightenment Transmission and exploring variety of seeking and lifestyle themes suggested by viewers including: Guided Mediation, Getting Enlightened, What is Enlightenment Transmission?, Sex and Enlightenment, How the OETT is different, Enlightenment for the Sake of Others, The Difference between No Mind, Awakening and Enlightenment, How Dave Oshana ‘works’ with people, How to find your true purpose …

Latest Video

Enlightenment does not happen for two reasons

Enlightenment does not happen easily or commonly for two reasons. One, the spiritual aspirant is not sufficiently connected to the Enlightenment Transmission. Two, the spiritual aspirant is resisting the changes which Enlightenment, these include: loss of present identity, change of lifestyle and new responsibilities.

Enlightenment does not happen easily or commonly for two reasons. One, the spiritual aspirant is not sufficiently connected to the Enlightenment Transmission. Two, the spiritual aspirant is resisting the changes which Enlightenment, these include: loss of present identity, change of lifestyle and new responsibilities.” ~ Dave Oshana

Discover how to get Enlightened, listen to Preparing for Enlightenment

News Flash “We regret to announce the delayed coming of 21st December 2012!

By the time you read this email “2012 – The Mayan Coffee Bean Marketing Event” will not have happened – not in any kind of dramatic way. Is this the time to shout “wake up and smell the coffee or the BS”?

Dear Enlightenment Seeker!

By the time you read this email “2012 – The Mayan Coffee Bean Marketing Event” will not have happened – not in any kind of dramatic way. Is this the time to shout "wake up and smell the coffee or the BS"?

What next? Enlightenment-Now, EnlightenNext? How about simply Enlightenment?

I am staking my 12 year reputation as a spiritual enlightenment teacher on claiming that nothing will happen on 21st December 2012 except that afterwards the days will start to get longer and lighter as they do every year as we move to mid-Summer.

As an enlightened spiritual teacher it is my duty to separate the true for the false. In that respect, as New Age groupies sit down to both save and celebrate humanity, I am unavoidably counter-counter-culture.

Spiritual teachings is littered with falsehoods, myths and misunderstandings. Ultimately, only you can discern the Truth.

Seeing is believing but when something does not happen the strange thing is that people continue to believe. As a former spiritual seeker myself I heard many "end of the world" prophecies which were supposed to happen in my lifetime. While it is getting worse out there materially, it is getting better "in here" spiritually.

The only sure path to salvation, eternity and immortality is within you where no one, and nothing, can take such progress away.

Winter is a time for going within – which is why I am offering gift meditations and some free classes and replays (news soon in upcoming email). Don’t forget the promotional code email a few weeks ago – one live class free for first time listeners.

I just completed the class “Remembrance: A Meditative Journey” on Sunday (which will be available as a replay soon). This Sunday 23rd December we will look at the post-2012 aftermath and other distractions on your spiritual path in “Getting Real With Yourself: 2012, The Secret, Myths and Other New Age Distractions”. It’s a live class, drop in online and tune out.

Be sure to catch the free class "The Whole Truth" on New Year’s Eve. As I go into my 13th year of Enlightenment Teaching and Enlightenment Transmission sharing, everything – as they say in the post-Christmas sales – must go!

Live Transmission Online Class Final for 2012

 podcast 23rd December (Sunday)
"Getting Real With Yourself: 2012, The Secret, Myths and Other New Age Distractions"

Focus on what truly matters – You!

 podcast 31st December (Monday)
"The Whole Truth"

The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the spiritual Truth

No need to sit meditating upon small stuff. Lay back, look to the heavens and fly – in the recent online meditation “The Everything, Everywhere Meditation” (currently available as a high quality MP3 download only).

Blessings in the light of The Enlightenment Transmission,
Dave Oshana

The Hot Steamy Summer Pre-Retreat Message

Before any Teaching, the Transmission ramps up, life and mind slows down, different things happen and there is a tonne of detox. Always remember, drink water, avoid sticky foods, get lots of sleep before you attend a Teaching event.

“Enlightenment is closer than you imagine!”

Dear Enlightenment Participant!

2 days to the Island Retreat. Are you feeling the heat, yet? It’s been a sultry 86F (30C), punctuated by warm sunny showers. Even the lakes are steaming!

o group walk pier

I’m feeling it. I have been lounging beside a forest lake for 10 days. Well, not always lounging; I had time to make a teaching video which you will get to see after we figure out how to edit it properly for online viewing.

I also got out the yellow hardhat to work on the new v.2.0. I and our hardworking tech, Nico, are excited with the delightful new features that will make it easier for you to find and watch videos, articles, book classes and replays and listen to free audio.

But alas! Computers are not responding well to my carbon-based touch. Nothing new, but rarer these days. After arriving back home, I immediately blew my desktop computer and a vacuum cleaner.

I hope I don’t blow up at the Retreat with all the "cosmic cleaning" (that expression care of a pair of Antipodeans) which is already happening. Normally, machines adapt to work very well around me except when I am buzzing as I am now.

Before any Teaching, the Transmission ramps up, life and mind slows down, different things happen and there is a tonne of detox. Always remember, drink water, avoid sticky foods, get lots of sleep before you attend a Teaching event.

I am going to be offline soon for about 10 days. But I’ll certainly be back with spiritual internet classes starting Sunday 8th August. You will be the first to know the new online class titles if you are subscribed to the online classes update list at (you need to login and go to Settings). It has been fun giving the classes and constantly improving the delivery.

Finally, I want to emphasise what the Oshana Enlightenment Teaching is really about. It’s about saying goodbye to the old you: your constructed, artificial identity. It’s not about improving that old wrecked model but bringing out the shining model which has been patiently waiting in a barn under a tarpaulin. So allow yourself a vacation away from your old self and life as you knew it. The reward is potentially great – Enlightenment!

Looking forward to seeing you on the other side of Enlightenment!

Dave O.

Why You Need At Least 3 People To Help Get You Enlightened

I figured out that you need at least 3 people to help you get Enlightened. Some seekers believe a teacher or guide is necessary to get enlightened and some do not. But what is the reality? You need 3 people for the Enlightenment Process to be effective. Throw out the old rusty traditional Enlightenment Handbook and observe how it happens live and direct.

I figured out that you need at least 3 people to help you get Enlightened. Some seekers believe a teacher or guide is necessary to get enlightened and some do not. But what is the reality? I will explain, without recourse to hackneyed old traditional speculative answers, something which I had no clue about on the day that I got Enlightened, which is that you need 3 people for the Enlightenment Process to be effective.

energy meditation

Since becoming a spiritual teacher following my Enlightenment on 19 June 2000, I have felt that I can make a crucial difference for other seekers to find their own Enlightenment. In reality, I could not see how they could do it without my help, and for this reason felt compelled to teach even though I had never wanted to teach. Based on nearly 10 years of teaching experience, I can definitely, declare that miracles happen consistently on a daily basis. I notice a dramatic and unprecedented rise in awareness, energy and ability of seekers who connect to the Enlightenment Transmission. Although, this continually happens I am still frequently surprised, in awe and grateful.

We can now throw out the old rusty traditional Enlightenment Handbook and observe how it happens live and direct. Truly, I can say that seekers who connect to the Enlightenment Transmission are experiencing a seemingly impossible rebirth and enjoying a new existence.

The typical rationalisation given by religious institutions for having a teacher is that everyone needs a teacher for every activity in life. I have always disagreed with this because some activities happen naturally and that Life is the Teacher. I also believe that Enlightenment is a natural God-given birthright. However, there are, within each seeker obstructions, which I as a spiritual midwife can remove when the seeker requests it.

I also have always maintained that Enlightenment should happen out there, in Life, and not in a monastery. I do not live in a temple; I live in the real world, because that is where Life is happening. However, I do also recommend an occasional, temporary retreat from the distractions of everyday life to benefit from a continuous and intense exposure to the Enlightenment Transmission for those who are able to cope with transformations and openings.

Coming back to the title of this live online class, "Why You Need At Least 3 People To Help Get You Enlightened", I will explain. As I have taken so much of your time already, I will simply give you a clue – only one of those 3 persons has to be an enlightened spiritual teacher!

Join in this live online class on 30th May 2010 or order the replay even if you are just the tiniest bit interested in Enlightenment and how it can be brought about.

What I really, really want is for Christmas is . . .

Me what do I want? Oh, I’m not denying that I don’t enjoy a pair of woollen socks and cotton boxer shorts, but what I really, really want is . . .

I realised this year why it is that the older you get that Christmas does not work. Our ancient ancestors must have realised a few days after the shortest astronomical day was a very good excuse the celebrate the return of the light. Perfectly acceptable behaviour until the religious and secular marketing men turned up to subvert the festival and progressively brainwashed the masses to associate it with myths, untruths and lies. Jesus was not born on Christmas Day and didn’t even follow a solar calendar. The only relevance of Santa Claus is that the original Saint Nicholas was connected to Turkey, the namesake of poor bird that gets gutted and stuffed in sacrifice ever so-called Christ-mass.


If you want to be loving at Christmas you don’t need to get drunk, sing silly tunes, send e-cards. I don’t take up space writing the whole list of ridiculous behaviours. I invite you to meditate. I already gave a dig at Christmas madness yesterday in my evil twin anti-enlightenment blog, Un-Enlightened Society, in a post entitled The Matrix Meltdown at Christmas: Real Goodwill. Like all things spiritual and transformational, don’t read it unless you want an alternative perspective.

Into the real meaning of this post. I realised that Christmas does not work for me because it is unreal. It’s a ritualistic game of fake sentiments. I prefer to be real. Unfortunately, Christmas is an invitation, even a strong pressure, a Spanish Inquisition to suspend reality and sincerity.

I don’t ask for much so I never notice that I don’t get what I would really want for Christmas. First I would want Christmas to go away. Instead, let’s all go to the forest and cook over a wood fire in a yurt. Next let’s have some real food. All that wasted money could be spent on top quality organic delicacies and exotic foods. Me what do I want? Oh, I’m not denying that I don’t enjoy a pair of woollen socks and cotton boxer shorts, but what I really, really want is a website. Yes, a website! A fully functioning up-to-date website with all the content that would explain, describe and give the experience and understanding of the Enlightenment Transmission and Teaching. Until I have that site I know that my teaching cannot go forward without having to reinvent the wheel again and again. Once the website is there then many other projects can go forward. That’s what I really want. Now let me open that gift wrapped box . . . Oho! It’s a . . .

25 Ways How Enlightenment is Like a Never Ending Orgasm

Enlightenment is Like a Never Ending Orgasm. You sense eternity and infinity. You cannot imagine what it is until you experience it. It transports you outside of space and time. It makes you happy to be alive

25 Ways How Enlightenment is Like a Never Ending Orgasm

  1. You really, really want it
  2. You’re distracted until you get it
  3. You get frustrated if you don’t get it
  4. You think you are in control but you are not
  5. It pulls you in
  6. You are always on the edge
  7. You feel it in every cell of your body
  8. You totally give yourself (before)
  9. You completely give yourself up (during)
  10. It contracts and expands at the same time
  11. You feel it in your body – and somewhere else
  12. It transports you outside of space and time
  13. It takes your breath away
  14. It makes you happy to be alive
  15. You feel compassion, joy and openness
  16. You sense eternity and infinity
  17. You can’t imagine what it is until you experience it
  18. You don’t need another one
  19. Past, present and future become one
  20. The Earth shakes
  21. Time stands still
  22. You become soft and loving like a baby
  23. You become one with another
  24. Nothing else matters
  25. Love!

Now, if you want to experience what Enlightenment is really like then visit
register for free spiritual advice at

Why I wrote "25 Ways How Enlightenment is Like a Never Ending Orgasm?"

Enlightenment Transmission
is here.
Take it.
Pass it on.

Enlightenment Transmission Day 2009

5 o’clock in the morning on 19th June 2000 is when Enlightenment happened to me, the first moment I was aware of it. This free online event is a sharing of that moment and the Enlightenment which as vivid as it ever was and particularly easy to receive at this time of the year.

Enlightenment Transmission Day 2009

Enlightenment Transmission
is here.
Take it.
Pass it on.

FREE onLine Event
The Moment of Enlightenment Transmission

Join me in an Enlightenment Day Celebration – onLine!

5am London
7am Helsinki
Midnight New York
11pm Chicago
9pm San Francisco

5 o’clock in the morning on 19th June 2000 is when Enlightenment happened to me, the first moment I was aware of it. This free online event is a sharing of that moment and the Enlightenment which as vivid as it ever was and particularly easy to receive at this time of the year.

Free Enlightenment Teaching/Meditation
Central Helsinki
Enlightenment Transmission Day 2009

This year you are welcome to join me in a blessing, dedication and meditation upon the miracle of The Enlightenment Transmission. Free event. See the event web page to apply for an invite. 2pm-4pm.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Special thanks to everyone who responded to the “Fast Track” request – an email has been sent to you. The main text will eventually be posted online. So everyone will see it.

Online classes resume after the Finnish Long Hot Summer Retreat, London August Teach-ins and Minneapolitan September Seminars.

HapPy mIdSumMeR!

I, therefore, strongly suggest that it is time to go fast track.

Every year, around Enlightenment Day, it becomes especially easy to awaken. An incredible amount of energy is liberated precisely for self-realisation.

This offer isn’t always available. That’s the message. Take it.

Dear Friends,

Summer is here! Never mind.

In Finland, everything stops as every formerly working person, escapes to the forest for rests. That’s why:

  • it’s the last live online class for awhile (all domestic internet services will terminate) but free audio and class replays continue
  • all registrations for the summer island retreat have to be in (you will know you are registered if you receive an email begging for a deposit on 09.06.09 or refusing your application)

Whatever you do locally for summer, I would like you to meditate on how many summers you have left (if this disturbs you then stop reading here). In Finland, there are only so many saunas you can have before your body shrivels up like a prune or a prawn and the big E-gal in the sky pecks you off.

This almost makes sense when you don’t think directly about it. The mind is incredibly over-invested in the illusion of continuity even when South Sea Bubble is absolutely certain to burst. Which means “you die, I die, we all die – spry, crisp ‘n dry.”

This summer marks the 9th Year of my Enlightenment (since 19.06.2000). This does not mean anything to you – but it could. All is lost unless you wake up from the dream of unreality. Only so many summers left for someone.

I, therefore, suggest (strongly for a change) that it is time to go fast track. There’s nothing to lose except all being lost. So, continuing on an uncharacteristic track, unseen since 2000-2002, I super strongly urge you to to bind up every ounce of grit and courage and go for IT. As I said, you have nothing to lose except everything, guaranteed.

Every year, around Enlightenment Day, it becomes especially easy to awaken. An incredible amount of energy is liberated precisely for self-realisation.

This offer isn’t always available. That’s the message. Take it.

Wanna go fast track? Think about it. Then act. Write me subject line: “I want to go fast track”

By the Grace and Living Light of the Enlightenment Transmission,
Dave Oshana

Pentecost 2009: The Fire Of Transmission

Pentecost 2009 is the year of opportunity wherein you can make a permanent connection to the Transmission, expand your limited identity and experience Life, Creation and Consciousness in all of its fullness. Make the connection; take the opportunity, because in life there is no guarantee of finding it this easily ever again.

The Holy Spirit is back!

Transmission is the fire from heaven, brighter than a billion suns, which releases the soul from its entanglement from the ego’s illusory identity

Nine years of Enlightenment, nine years of teaching – the same fire, The Transmission, which seared through the ties of my old identity, continues to burn away at the mistaken identification suffered by everyone who takes birth on this planet.

Transmission is the Holy Spirit which lifted up a simple, ordinary man to be the Christ, propelling him out of the wilderness, and into the cities to end the illusory path of mankind – which inevitably led to the end of his physical life. But Transmission, cannot be stopped, it is here from age to age because we tourists on Earth, yearn to be re-connected to our Homeplace.

Transmission will connect you to that place, the Source of Creation, from which you come, and to which you will return.
2009 is the year of opportunity wherein you can make a permanent connection to the Transmission, expand your limited identity and experience Life, Creation and Consciousness in all of its fullness. Make the connection; take the opportunity, because in life there is no guarantee of finding it this easily ever again.

Pentecost 2009: The Fire Of Transmission