The Enlightenment Teaching Legacy: Transmission, Power, Responsibility

With the free gift of Transmission the Oshana student is exposed to a powerful transformation process which affects their identity, behaviour and self-perception. This will present openings and challenges and invisibly present others with the hidden power to evolve. The student is strongly counselled to make the most of the potential spiritual growth energy which the Transmission brings, to move with it and not resist, to be gentle with others whilst fully conscious when they are ready to evolve. Hence, Transmission is a gift not only to the individual but also to significant others and the whole planet.

This Transmission Intensive opens up the spiritual seekers’ awareness of the wider dimensions involved in being a spiritual student, teacher and recipient of the Enlightenment Transmission.

Typically, in mass produced spirituality spiritual seekers are not brought “inside the door” i.e. given the necessary experiences, information and understanding to make the spiritual journey from gross identification to self-liberation.

In the Oshana Spiritual Teaching only a small number of students are taught allowing for the best possible customised learning environment beyond direct One-to-One tuition (which be excruciatingly intense and exacting).

With the free gift of the constantly available Transmission the Oshana student is exposed to a powerfully inexorable transformation process which will unstoppingly affect their identity, behaviour and self-perception. This will present openings and challenges and invisibly present others with the hidden power to evolve.

The student is strongly counselled to make the most of the potential spiritual growth energy which the Transmission brings, to move with it and not resist, to be gentle with others whilst fully conscious when they are ready to evolve. Hence, Transmission is a gift not only to the individual but also to significant others and the whole planet.

If time and relevance permits, and because it is Easter Sunday, we will take the real life example of Jesus (Christ) and explore how he managed this incredible energy and sought to fulfil duty to others.

Absolute Trust In Total Existence

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

Complete rest and peace – when will it ever come? It does not need to come because it has always been here. Do not consider it a destination – for it is a journey of zero distance. Therefore effort, goal setting and reward seeking behaviour are inappropriate tools for your eventual transition to absolute peace of mind.

In the beginning you had pure peace and joy. You have not taken a journey away from it in this world. Therefore world effort and the things of this world cannot supply the solution.

The tragic event was a subtle internal shift of focus. A slip up from which you have eternally but erratically tried to recover your footing. The faster you back pedal, the more you lose your balance.

This Transmission Teaching is here to make obvious the exact subtle inner shift required to move from the World of Form and Appearance to the Realm Before Manifestation, the place of All-Knowing.

There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. This Sunday and every Sunday discover amazing rare spiritual treasures. Book your online classes now at First come, first served. You will receive a guidance email full of helpful suggestions for attending the live online class.

Releasing the Ego’s Grip

Dave Oshana gives practical suggestions to deal with the biggest continual problem in your life: your ego.

Watch out! Here comes the biggest challenge of your spiritual life. Huh! What’s that? Laziness, fear, doubt, meditator’s knee, the Catholic nun who taught you? No, not even close. It’s The Ego!

The Ego gets blamed for everything even the kitchen sink, if not at first, then inevitably in the end. The word “ego” is used on in common language, psychology, psychotherapy and spirituality. Wherever you look you find different definitions but generally the consensus opinion is that the ego is not good, bad, nasty, contaminating and reason for quick shower. But few people can find, let alone shake it off.

The Oshana Teaching makes it simple by taking aim at what you can identify: the problems in your life and by tracing them back to their causes dealing with the issue at source. So we are always dealing with what is real which makes our actions practical. Most common ideas about the ego are theoretical and the methods impossible to practice.

In the Oshana Teaching the ego’s influence is identified, traced and resolved.

Absolute Freedom: Soul Level Karma-Free Action

A seminar by Dave Oshana

Absolute Freedom: Soul Level Karma-Free Action

Visit the birthplace of your soul, your true home, where all actions are karma-free and in harmony with the Universe and the Will of God. Understand the (Bodhisattva) principle of living to end pain and suffering of others. See beyond the illusory curtain of this world and realise the absolute freedom which you have inherited.

The laws of cause and effect, more poetically known as “karma”, seem to be in operation everywhere.  However, mystics have referred to a transcendental realm which is unaffected by karma – we can call it the “karma-free zone”.

The idea of karma is complex but in its simplest form it is that every action has an effect. The personal relevance is that the effects of your actions have to be paid off. Unfortunately, debt payments cannot be paid immediately but are staggered over many lifetimes.

Bad deeds a lot of suffering until you learn to discriminate right from wrong action. Fortunately, good works, which you surely do, mean lifetimes of rewards on heavenly planets, enjoying seemingly unlimited pleasures and being treated like a minor god. Unfortunately, your credit runs out and you get sent back down to Earth to repeat the process again – ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Eventually, you get tired of this unending cycle of reward and punishment and figure out that there must be more to life and you become a spiritual seeker.  From there on you set your sights, all though you don’t know it yet, on finding the “karma-free zone”. In the “karma-free zone” you don’t get attached to anything and so you don’t have to physically incarnate ever again – this amounts to a huge saving in living costs.  However, if you are a Bodhisattva-type, meaning a “really nice person”, then you incarnate to relieve the suffering of others.

However, the physical body is subject to the laws of physics. So in that sense the Bodhisattva-type suffers, because all bodies suffer, on Earth for the sake of others. But the Bodhisattva-type is experiencing life from a different place compared to the average person. Whilst his feet are firmly on the ground, his awareness is not in his head, or his earthly identity but his transcendental activities in his eternal home.

The Bodhisattva-type would like to go home forever but for the sake of others stays in the body. This might remind you of Jesus describing how His Father’s home is not of this world.
If you would like to visit this heavenly realm then you can. There are two types of visas, temporary stay and permanent.

The temporary heavenly visa means you get to experience bliss, freedom and expansion but you cannot stay there indefinitely and you can’t choose how long you can stay or when you can go back. The permanent visa means that you are in the heavenly karma-free zone all of the time. However, the price that you pay is that you can never experience life from a mundane human perspective and never feel that Earth is your proper home.

The “karma-free zone” is actually the Primordial Space from which all of Creation came. It is insubstantial and un-manifest. In that place there is no distance, time or matter. Yet everything is there. Because there are no things therefore there are no actions. This is why it is karma-less. Yet, we can go there anytime because it is our true Home from where we came and to where we will eventually return.

The good news is that you can visit your Home before you finish all your incarnations because you already exist in that place. However, your worldly filters out spiritual information and stops you experiencing the full magnitude of what you really are. The mind creates the illusion of a fictitious world. Called “maya” in Hinduism and “The Matrix” in modern stories.  I show ways to go beyond the mind to that place where you can experience absolute freedom, where actions have no karma and everything you do is in harmony with the Universe and God’s Will.

Oshana’s Estonia Klassikaraadio Interview

I did an interview about my Enlightenment and Teaching with Peeter Liiv on Estonia Klassikaraadio’s Traditsiooni Tarkus.

I enjoyed listening to it and now you can listen to it too via the web-page below:

The interview addressed the following areas of interest:

  • Trendy enlightenment
  • Increasing numbers of reported enlightened?
  • Differing enlightenment schools
  • My life before Enlightenment Day
  • On Enlightenment Day – The Experience and circumstances
  • After Enlightenment Day – understanding and changes
  • Being An Enlightened Teacher – Why and What?
  • Unusual phenomena associated with Teaching and Transmission
  • Men and Women
  • Types of Love
  • Teaching Methods
  • Structure of Reality
  • Human Potential
  • Safe Ego Handling
  • Sensing Life Energies

I know you will enjoy it. It’s FREE and worth recommending to your spiritual friends. Catch a hearing today for as long as it stays on-line.

Fake Realisation: Fro-ZEN No-Mind

I received two emails from a seeker who met me once en-route to a jungle commune run by a drug-taking guru.

The email gave me an opportunity to explain a number of faults in spiritual groups of the “Get Nowhere Fast” variety.

Unfortunately, this type of “Nowhere” is not the supreme deluxe version but the regular mundane “Nowhere” version which can be experienced anywhere (like our city’s concrete jungle) but it’s so much easier to cope (presumably) with the mundane under the influence of drugs. I would have imagined that a jungle is so spectacularly wild that one would NOT need drugs but some people just can’t cope without their distractions.

The points which I made in the email refer to various aberrant spiritual groups (how judgmental) and not solely to the “let’s-take-drugs-in-the-jungle” crowd.

Rather than paste the two emails here I will just refer to the relevant lines. You can fill in the gaps. Just to give some context the writer claims to have achieved a “realization of the truth” over one year ago, and that there are other self-realisers in the same commune.

The main question in the email seems to be asking if self-realisers can change the world by reaching a critical mass. There is a strong suggestion that they can’t and that they make all the same interpersonal goof-ups as other people do. I take it further and state that some so-called self-realisers are actually abusers which begs the question what is a true self-realisation.

Below is my reply:


About the main ideas you wonder about [i.e. critical mass], I don’t think I have ever promoted them.

I frequently find that other teachings are really messy and that I am often asked to debug people’s confused thoughts.

Sometimes it’s natural to ask certain typical seeker questions, other times the questioner has been conditioned to think and question in a certain (useless) way. This makes them join the seemingly never-ending merry-go-round of religious fanatics and village idiots that we see every generation ruining the planet. Critical mass? Possibly – but most definitely spinning in the wrong direction.

The prescription for pseudo-religious brainwashing is mental detoxification -the dropping all religious beliefs. This has become a popular method in in the West in recent times – but it is not the end of the journey just a pit-stop on the road to Enlightenment.

Concerning so-called “self-realisers”, especially the “nod and a wink” variety, suspicions are raised when the person rigidly maintains a “no beliefs, no mind, no attachments” stance. This smacks of an anal retentiveness which is only of service in certain backward tantra groups.

It seems that there are many Western groups who hold this frozen position of pseudo-spiritual high rigor mortis. It starts with the fixed stare and the permanent smile. However, no amount of makeup and air-freshener, will make the purifying corpse of the faking-IT-in-the-belife that-this-is-making-IT seeker into the real thing, although naive mass followings (the greater the numbers, the worse the ignorance) (ref: Nuremburg 1936) can’t see the con.

For the discerning seeker, these Western groups unwittingly reveal their fake pedigree, much like a Cockney who has bought a Lordship when he opens his mouth to speak, when they misguidedly claim to be branches of the tree of Hindu Advaita (renamed in American McSpirituality as “non-dualism”). The original Shankacharya would be turning in his grave, except he may have been burned already.

Fake groups are unable to grow in anything but numbers, and certainly not wisdom, because like the recipients of every transplanted belief system they are orphaned and under-fed. They therefore eternally await The Final Reckoning when the missing intellectual jigsaw piece will finally be bestowed upon them – which it never is. What we see today, unfortunately, are a lot of humans claiming to be seekers but acting like like dogs barking up the wrong tree.

This is not to knock, what you have experienced. You have probably learned that experience is better than intellectual knowledge, and yet, beliefs have entered your reported “no-mind” state long enough to cause you to write me – twice! Itchy sods.

I would not appraise your current state without witnessing it (not that I am in the business of handing out MoT certificates [Ministry of Transport]). All I can say is that I have met a number of dubious characters who claimed to be “there” or had “IT” but who were conspicuously in a far worse state than your average Joe. Worse, they tended to act out, just as you fear in your email, in the most hideous ways. This is not to say that you are in that place.

However, I am uncertain of the ashram/commune where you are. It’s well-known that shamanic herbal drugs are dished out there like cabbage was in schools in my day. I don’t agree with drug use. Worse, I know of at least two cases of drug-induced insanity which required leaving the ashram to get long-term psychological and energetic help. Too dangerous. Drugs damage. I would not trust these groups.

You asked:

“How can self realized ones save the world? in the commune that I live
in there are several no minders, does this make the rest of us any more conscious…the answer is no.”

You have answered your own question, although, I would direct you to go further.

Is “self-realisation” the same as “no-mind”? Not necessarily, but from (a particular) no-mind can come the realisation of how one’s self will live. For me, that unavoidably and immediately meant being a spiritual teacher from the moment I got enlightened. So, self-realisation could be defined as knowing who you are and what you are to do in this life.

You wrote:

“Self realized ones (I don’t like to use the word “enlightenment” it just conjures up ideas or something to become)”

A person can even aim to become one of the “self realized ones”. I am looking for substitutes for the word “enlightenment” from time to time.

You demand:

“Tell me honestly David, do you not act out human behaviour, get angry, upset etc? I am not suggesting that you get attached to your own emotions but acting them out effects others around.”

I am glad you asked me to be “honest” ; ) – i don’t want to be like those dishonest ones who claim to be self-realised.

I would love to answer this question. Everyone wonders about it sometime.

I do act out human behaviours. I love passionate emotions, but I am often careful about when, where and how I express them.

You reason:

“Surely in these moments of human attachment atrocities can occur?”

That’s an extreme speculation. I don’t know what is possible. I know that I have learned to act responsibly with awareness and avoid hurting except to saves a person. You are entering the area of ethics and right action which will ruin your no-mind . Can you accept the price for extra growth?

Will real self-realisation save mankind? Yes, in time, if it spreads.

Will critical mass do it? That’s a vague idea which could be better defined. It’s not easy for people to change and there are not enough true self-realisers at the moment. But I want to see more – just not the FroZen No-Mind garden peas variety.

Dave Oshana

Does Buddha Wear Harmony Hairspray?

I was recently asked a question that has been doing the rounds for at least a decade. Sort of like a chain letter with 21 sayings allegedly by the Dalai Lama which ends with the warning “if you don’t send this letter on to 10 friends then you will die, horribly and painfully”. If you get one of these emails then you have to wonder if the sender is really a true friend.

The question was something like “Some people suggest that after Enlightenment there is no person, but you seem to talk as if there is a person. So is there a person? What is your experience of Enlightenment?”

The last question is also a trick question thrown in at the end of a whole load of conceptual confusion. Supposedly if you are enlightened then you can’t talk about it because if you do then you lose your enlightened status. Voi helvetti! (Expletive known by only 5 million people of which I am not one)

There are encampments of believers, I think they call themselves, non-dualists, who seem to believe that by attacking the richness of the English language that they will be rewarded with Nirvana.

This is all very complicated to dissect. I agree with so much that they say, up to a point, and then no further – and even less with what they do in their spare time.

I think the non-dualists are flogging a dead horse. The alarming tendency today is that the non-dualist ideology today is not being wielded by gentlemen of skillful means, as it used to be, but by fanatics who find their life’s meaning in shouting down all no-believers. I believe that England and America are in their darkest hour as a new wave of extremists has hit their shores: the non-dualists.

The non-dualists go by various names: advaitics, advaitists, neo-advaitists, Brother of the Open Secret Tea and Biscuits club, Satsang Federation and Bums on Seats. Some of those names are currently only whispered in hushed tones in certain inner circles because the non-dualists know that they are still in the minority. But their grass roots movement is growing, especially in Germany and parts of America.

Any philosophy can be abused and used to support wrong-doing. Non-dualism has that potential. The non-dual mafia will excuse their crimes thus “there was no-one there, no victim, no criminal, nothing ever happened”. Hopefully, the non-dualists don’t penetrate as far as the House of Lords and the Court for Human Rights.

Enlightenment is not an external thing. An enlightened person does not have to talk a certain way. What you might reasonably expect though is that they know what they are talking about.

Communication is about reaching people. Chopping sentences to fit a non-dualist Procrustean bed severely cripples the richness of the English language. As my words are frequently translated I generally speak as clearly as possible for the sake of my translator and audience. I only let loose my full verbal range when I am back in London.

Enlightenment teachers cannot be judged just on the basis of their words. I like to talk. I like language. I have to like it because I use it. However, it is becoming clearer to me that that the Enlightenment Transmission can be spread through a variety of expressions. This is especially possible because the Teaching is primarily energetic with a only a small component being verbal.

The only way to reply to a non-dualist is to ask an inscrutable koan “Does Buddha Wear Harmony Hairspray?”

The koan is based on a British TV hairspray advert: Harmony Hairspray. Wherein a walking woman with long bouncy hair turns the heads of everyone she confidently passes to the refrain of “Is she….or isn’t she….?” which expands to “Is she or isn’t she wearing Harmony hairspray?”

Of course, no one can be certain. She might just have naturally healthy hair (she is after all a professional model) . The answer comes in the final frame – in her handbag we glimpse a can of… … which I can only describe as some sort of CFC and vaporised gluey globules combination.

In the Buddha’s time the non-dualists would have sat on the side-lines with scorecards. Every time Siddhartha uttered the word Enlightenment they would have downgraded him. Eventually, of course, Buddha’s negative scores would be less than everyone else’s because he loves talking about Enlightenment!

Enlightenment can be known. You might not know if someone is enlightened for sure, but that’s not the point. The live issue is how close can they get you to a state of self-realisation with the assistance of that person.

Fortunately, in my own life as a teacher, the Transmission takes care of others. It brings purification, energy, purpose, direction, many wonderful, mysterious and miraculous things.