Unshakable Self-Confidence Through Absolute Self-Realisation

Confidence. Everyone wants it. Many fake it. Only a few feel that they really have it.

What’s the secret of unshakeable self-confidence? How can I have it?

Actually, there is no secret. Self-confidence is not an accessory but an absolute necessity. A person with no confidence is unable to act with self-autonomy.

To a large degree every human being has lost their self-confidence because they have lost their self-awareness and purpose.

The easiest way to ensure self-confidence is to never lose it. Have you noticed that babies have endless self-confidence and enthusiasm? It is truly tragic when they lose it – the price of admittance to the so-called “human race”.

Given that so many have lost their self-confidence by the time that they reach their teenage years, then the only solution is a recovery operation.

What is it that has been lost when self-confidence has been lost?

Security, certainty, self-awareness, the ability to discern and discriminate and act spontaneously without doubt and inhibition – these are qualities which are lost.

First of all, let’s be clear about what does not work. Material acquisitions and attainments do not solve the problem of lacking self-confidence. If they temporarily seem to then time and changing circumstances will surely change them.

A permanent solution does not depend on external situations.

A person who lacks self-confidence has, by definition, lost faith in their own qualities and abilities.

This unfortunate situation ensues when a person does not know who they are.

Self-realisation is simply the re-gaining of the awareness of ones true nature. It is the ability to correctly perceive the world and to know the correct course of action. You can call that Enlightenment.

There is an energy which exists to help you get beyond your psychological and emotional obstructions. It is called the Enlightenment Transmission and it is available for all who truly want to recover their lost abilities and start living their life.

Intro text for Unshakable Self-Confidence Through Absolute Self-Realisation: an Oshana Deeper Understanding Intensive.

For insightful texts about other Oshana Teaching events see the Enlightenment-Now.Com Meetings web-page

Fake Realisation: Fro-ZEN No-Mind

I received two emails from a seeker who met me once en-route to a jungle commune run by a drug-taking guru.

The email gave me an opportunity to explain a number of faults in spiritual groups of the “Get Nowhere Fast” variety.

Unfortunately, this type of “Nowhere” is not the supreme deluxe version but the regular mundane “Nowhere” version which can be experienced anywhere (like our city’s concrete jungle) but it’s so much easier to cope (presumably) with the mundane under the influence of drugs. I would have imagined that a jungle is so spectacularly wild that one would NOT need drugs but some people just can’t cope without their distractions.

The points which I made in the email refer to various aberrant spiritual groups (how judgmental) and not solely to the “let’s-take-drugs-in-the-jungle” crowd.

Rather than paste the two emails here I will just refer to the relevant lines. You can fill in the gaps. Just to give some context the writer claims to have achieved a “realization of the truth” over one year ago, and that there are other self-realisers in the same commune.

The main question in the email seems to be asking if self-realisers can change the world by reaching a critical mass. There is a strong suggestion that they can’t and that they make all the same interpersonal goof-ups as other people do. I take it further and state that some so-called self-realisers are actually abusers which begs the question what is a true self-realisation.

Below is my reply:


About the main ideas you wonder about [i.e. critical mass], I don’t think I have ever promoted them.

I frequently find that other teachings are really messy and that I am often asked to debug people’s confused thoughts.

Sometimes it’s natural to ask certain typical seeker questions, other times the questioner has been conditioned to think and question in a certain (useless) way. This makes them join the seemingly never-ending merry-go-round of religious fanatics and village idiots that we see every generation ruining the planet. Critical mass? Possibly – but most definitely spinning in the wrong direction.

The prescription for pseudo-religious brainwashing is mental detoxification -the dropping all religious beliefs. This has become a popular method in in the West in recent times – but it is not the end of the journey just a pit-stop on the road to Enlightenment.

Concerning so-called “self-realisers”, especially the “nod and a wink” variety, suspicions are raised when the person rigidly maintains a “no beliefs, no mind, no attachments” stance. This smacks of an anal retentiveness which is only of service in certain backward tantra groups.

It seems that there are many Western groups who hold this frozen position of pseudo-spiritual high rigor mortis. It starts with the fixed stare and the permanent smile. However, no amount of makeup and air-freshener, will make the purifying corpse of the faking-IT-in-the-belife that-this-is-making-IT seeker into the real thing, although naive mass followings (the greater the numbers, the worse the ignorance) (ref: Nuremburg 1936) can’t see the con.

For the discerning seeker, these Western groups unwittingly reveal their fake pedigree, much like a Cockney who has bought a Lordship when he opens his mouth to speak, when they misguidedly claim to be branches of the tree of Hindu Advaita (renamed in American McSpirituality as “non-dualism”). The original Shankacharya would be turning in his grave, except he may have been burned already.

Fake groups are unable to grow in anything but numbers, and certainly not wisdom, because like the recipients of every transplanted belief system they are orphaned and under-fed. They therefore eternally await The Final Reckoning when the missing intellectual jigsaw piece will finally be bestowed upon them – which it never is. What we see today, unfortunately, are a lot of humans claiming to be seekers but acting like like dogs barking up the wrong tree.

This is not to knock, what you have experienced. You have probably learned that experience is better than intellectual knowledge, and yet, beliefs have entered your reported “no-mind” state long enough to cause you to write me – twice! Itchy sods.

I would not appraise your current state without witnessing it (not that I am in the business of handing out MoT certificates [Ministry of Transport]). All I can say is that I have met a number of dubious characters who claimed to be “there” or had “IT” but who were conspicuously in a far worse state than your average Joe. Worse, they tended to act out, just as you fear in your email, in the most hideous ways. This is not to say that you are in that place.

However, I am uncertain of the ashram/commune where you are. It’s well-known that shamanic herbal drugs are dished out there like cabbage was in schools in my day. I don’t agree with drug use. Worse, I know of at least two cases of drug-induced insanity which required leaving the ashram to get long-term psychological and energetic help. Too dangerous. Drugs damage. I would not trust these groups.

You asked:

“How can self realized ones save the world? in the commune that I live
in there are several no minders, does this make the rest of us any more conscious…the answer is no.”

You have answered your own question, although, I would direct you to go further.

Is “self-realisation” the same as “no-mind”? Not necessarily, but from (a particular) no-mind can come the realisation of how one’s self will live. For me, that unavoidably and immediately meant being a spiritual teacher from the moment I got enlightened. So, self-realisation could be defined as knowing who you are and what you are to do in this life.

You wrote:

“Self realized ones (I don’t like to use the word “enlightenment” it just conjures up ideas or something to become)”

A person can even aim to become one of the “self realized ones”. I am looking for substitutes for the word “enlightenment” from time to time.

You demand:

“Tell me honestly David, do you not act out human behaviour, get angry, upset etc? I am not suggesting that you get attached to your own emotions but acting them out effects others around.”

I am glad you asked me to be “honest” ; ) – i don’t want to be like those dishonest ones who claim to be self-realised.

I would love to answer this question. Everyone wonders about it sometime.

I do act out human behaviours. I love passionate emotions, but I am often careful about when, where and how I express them.

You reason:

“Surely in these moments of human attachment atrocities can occur?”

That’s an extreme speculation. I don’t know what is possible. I know that I have learned to act responsibly with awareness and avoid hurting except to saves a person. You are entering the area of ethics and right action which will ruin your no-mind . Can you accept the price for extra growth?

Will real self-realisation save mankind? Yes, in time, if it spreads.

Will critical mass do it? That’s a vague idea which could be better defined. It’s not easy for people to change and there are not enough true self-realisers at the moment. But I want to see more – just not the FroZen No-Mind garden peas variety.

Dave Oshana

Fully Comprehensive Spirituality: Transmission Included

Dear Seekers,

Warm greetings at this dark, white, time of year.

The purpose of all my teaching events is spiritual restoration. You can think of it as “healing” but it is much more than that.

The meetings are tailored to the energetic needs of the participants by an all-important energy: The Transmission.

The Transmission is immensely wise. It caters to a person’s spiritual needs, creates freedom from ego and accelerates spiritual growth and development.

The Transmission cleans the energy body and opens the psychic senses. You will notice that chronic emotional issues and obsessive thoughts simply vanish.

However, this spiritual work, although easy in the sense that much of it is done by The Transmission and not by you (how can you do what you don’t know how to do?) does require your ability to accept fundamental changes in your life. You will perceive differently, think differently and live differently.

Transmission is the most important part of my work, but there is also a body of practical knowledge. The basics can be learned quickly, and if sincerely practiced lead to powerful life changes.

I say that the Teaching is “Fully Comprehensive Spirituality” meaning that it covers all areas of human life and Existence.

An important set of techniques are taught in the Oshana Energy-Work Method. Through this Method you can clear many psychological and emotional blockages and re-connect to the Earth and Heavens. Once your inner senses re-open you will understand the lifestyle advice which I give to protect your growth and development. This is especially important in the modern world.

Finally, to be a spiritual human being is to serve others. The aim of all this teaching is to know who you are, why you cam here and what you have to do. I call that “Enlightenment”.

Everyone who wants to attend a 1-day Deeper Understanding Intensive should attend a recent Introduction as a preparation. I also invite potential participants to email me some details about their spiritual search as part of the teaching process.

Overseas Intensives consist of a guided meditation, energy-work and a lecture with time for questions and answers.

I will continue teaching in Finland this year. I will add to my schedule areas of social life that need to be spiritually addressed including: natural childbirth, breastfeeding, mothering, education and partnership.

Are you ready?

May all beings be free in 2008!

Dave Oshana

I Don’t Have Students

I avoid the expression “my students” wherever possible. Ideally, the word “student” would disappear from my “teaching” (ha ha) vocabulary. The truth is that I don’t have students because Truth cannot be studied.

Being described as a “teacher” further complicates the matter but this is because tax officers demand that I fit into a category which does not exist and search engines are designed to index words but not Transmission. (If you think that you don’t know what Transmission is then you have an amazing discovery to make.)

So who are these people attending my “classes” and “courses”? Hopefully, they will eventually discover that “people” they are not.

At night the moths gather around the candle-flame, immolate, incandesce and go beyond form. The flame is The Transmission. The moths are actually fireflies who believe they are butterflies when in fact they are brilliant lights.

I don’t teach. I don’t do anything except hold the space. The Transmission reveals to you what might be considered “teaching” but it is only teaching to those who do not know it. Only those who consider themselves students believe that they require teaching.

Distributing More Enlightenment Transmission Teaching

Dear Seeker,

I am constantly amazed by the Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching.

7 years ago, before my Enlightenment Day on 19th June 2000, there was no Teaching – there was only Transmission. Even the concept of Transmission did not exist. There were only the results – unimaginably fantastic results.

The Transmission started flowing from the very moment that I got enlightened. The actual Teaching started flowing when the first students appeared (and that was very fast). The Transmission flows continuously, day and night, reaching students near and far. It is truly breathtaking to experience and witness its great intelligence and works.

Transmission brings spiritual growth, healing and purification to the recipient. Transmission also creates the Teaching from which knowledge and understanding arise. The ultimate aim of Transmission is self-realisation for individuals and healing for the human race.

The Teaching corrects misunderstandings about the Enlightenment process. Without Teaching there is no map. Without a map there is only misdirection. When, and if, awakening happens a person without a map becomes bewildered, even crazy.

Less than 0.01% of Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching ever makes it into print. Consequently, a casual visitor to the Oshana Teaching web-sites never understands the full meaning and absolute value of the Transmission Teaching. I am quite certain that even the most convinced and committed students have not yet realised the comprehensive purpose of the Teaching.

The human mind cannot instantly comprehend the Truth, but the essence of the soul can. Eventually the mind becomes enlightened. The mind’s teacher is the soul, which channels Transmission.

My aim is to distribute the Enlightenment Transmission Teaching to a much wider audience. Until now the Teaching has been known only to those fortunate enough to group events and one-to-ones. Now with the help of those students the Teaching will go out to the public. It is clear that teaching and guidance must be made widely available to reverse the destructive trends within human society.

Seekers who have read only my latest blog posts may wonder “where is the spiritual enlightenment in discussing such a terrible thing as the recent school massacre in Finland”? Or those who read about Jesus and The Transmission might wonder “Is Oshana mixing metaphors”? I can assure you that there is the same spirituality in all these concerns – there just has not been the time to explain it online. Almost nothing has been explained fully to the public. But, now with the help of committed students that situation can be rectified.

My UK coordinator, suggested that a post from our Finnish list, Enlightenment-Finland, be distrubuted more widely. Consequently, the post has been pasted (with a few explanations about Finnish language) on my blog as ” To Be Good One Must Do Good” at https://blog.oshana.org/to-be-good-one-must-do-good/

I trust that such posts on my blog Spiritual Enlightenment are the first steps in making the Teaching more accessible.

There will also be distance learning for overseas students meaning “live online classrooms”. The first class was a few days ago. If you are interested in the next class (Jan 2008) then please pre-register by email.

Wishing All Life Abundant Blessings Through The Transmission,

Dave Oshana

To Be Good One Must Do Good

As promised in the previous blog post Jesus’ Path – Increasing The Good Works I have pasted below one of those frequent, special messages sent to my Finnish students which English speakers seldom get to see. However, it is becoming clear to me that what people need today in this age of degraded understanding is clear unambiguous, unconfused spiritual teaching. Therefore, I will increase the efforts to distribute the Enlightenment Transmission Teaching to a wider audience far beyond the limited amount who are fortunate enough to attend classes in person.

Dear Seeker,

To be good one must do good.

An enlightened person has to share all good things with everyone. A person who wants to become enlightened has to start sharing to become worthy of enlightenment.

We remember Jesus at Christmas not because he was good but because he did good. Jesus encouraged his students to do good. He prayed for them when they had difficulties in expressing absolute goodness.

I sometimes hope that if my students can no longer access me, or the Transmission, that they can at least access Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are all the same.

Nearly all of you, I am sure, have been through the rippileiri (lit. Confirmation Camp) coming of age rite of passage. Did you know that it is an initiation? In that act of initiation you have made a promise in front of your family and community, and to God, to be with Jesus. I wondered if the meaning was lost so I checked with evl.fi (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland). There I found this important statement “During the Confirmation ceremony the person being confirmed commits to being a disciple of Jesus by joining in the creed.”

The good news is that Jesus has a connection to you. He will wait for you as long as it takes, even during the times when you turn your back on him. God waits, the Universe waits, your true self – all await the homecoming of you – when you become who you truly are.

Jesus is just the beginning. I am not teaching a path of dependency but co-operative harmonious independence. Jesus asked his disciples to go on and do even greater things than He. You can only do that by finding your own God given powers. I teach that every child born brings special gifts and powers to this planet, not for themselves, but in service of the good of the whole. If you can live like that you will know Enlightenment and more. Heaven will open up and teach you many things which others will consider mysteries and miracles.

The unfortunate aspect of the rippileiri in Finland today is that thousands of children every year are pressured in to making a false commitment to Christ. The pressures, ironically, are materialistic: presents, money, tradition, peer pressure and family expectations. It is truly heartbreaking that children are encouraged into a situation where they end up lying to God. If this touches a raw nerve for Finns then I apologise but I cannot change the way I feel about it. Participation in the ceremony is often an act of hypocrisy and not one of faith.

If a child truly commits to Jesus then fair enough, let no man rent them asunder. A child has that right. However society does not consider a 15 year old child old enough to decide their own life or even to sign on a contract.

If parents want to celebrate their child’s coming of age, and if the child is not interested in Jesus or the modern day church, then an alternative party should be arranged to save the child from making a false promise to God. The next promise the child will make on a church altar will probably be the marriage vows. Let’s teach the sacred importance of keeping holy promises.

I wrote this email intending to inform you about the upcoming Jesus Christmas Intensive on Thursday 6th December 2007, Jesus’ Sending Out The 72 In The Spirit of Transmission during the Independence Day holiday.

However, my attention has been directed by recent events to Finnish society. A team of 10 students in cooperation with the Tuusula community arranged the first and only public discussion about solutions for preventing another Jokela tragedy. Although the event venue was cancelled at the last minute by Tuusula kunta (municipality), the message of hope reached all of Finland via the Finnish media and was followed by offers of help and support. My energy has been with supporting the organising team. As I stated at the beginning: to be good is to do good. Transmission and God’s love goes most strongly to those who dare to care. (It also goes to the growing number of Oshana Energy-Work teachers who give their time to help others.)

It was my intention for this season to be more free to do other projects and I did, they just were not imaginable: Tallinn, Seoul, Tuusula and finally a wedding! Two Oshana students “tied the knot”, i.e. got married. I happily gave the wedding party speech about spiritual marriage and family. These will be hot topics in 2008.

And so, purpose of this email (the first shall be the last, as Jesus said) Jesus’ Sending Out The 72 In The Spirit of Transmission. Basically, Jesus was not working alone. He was working under the instruction of the Transmission, the Holy Spirit. The Transmission did not expect Jesus to work alone. Jesus chose 12 and then 72 disciples. Jesus pointed out that these disciples were to follow the Holy Spirit and do greater deeds than Him.

If you want to to have an extra special feeling, and a meaningful message, this Christmas then please contact OshanaOffice Finland.


Christmas blessings to all who love truth,

Dave Oshana

Jesus’ Path – Increasing The Good Works

A Martian tuning over the last few weeks might assume that this blog is about nothing more than the Jokela High School massacre. He or she (presuming that Martians have sex like everyone else – gratuitous anthropomorphic search engine bait noted) might wonder what does this blog have to do with Spiritual Enlightenment? Of course, it has everything to do with Enlightenment. Healing the immense psychological trauma resulting from the Jokela tragedy has everything to do with the enlightened life.

An enlightened person cannot just switch off and pretend that the Jokela High School children are not intensely confused and afraid. Daily they walk the same corridors where the blood of their friends and family was spilled. The trauma radiates out of Jokela like a seismic tsunami engulfing Finland and the world. Reports of copy-cat incidents planned, thwarted and attempted are coming in daily.

I would like to report that it is all being taken care of by the authorities, by the angels or life – but it isn’t. If teachers are breaking down seven years after the Columbine Massacre then what waits around the corner in Jokela? We can’t solve every problem today, but are Finnish children convinced that they are any safer now? Nothing has changed. While the rest of Finland might forget, the Jokela kids will remember their scars forever.
[I can get back to the Jokela issue in another post or maybe even start a new blog about social issues.]

A Martian, I am sure, would read deeper into this blog. In some parts of the world, let alone the universe, good enlightenment teaching is non-existent. You don’t want to go there, believe me! The Martian will harvest all the enlightenment information which there is to get – the sweet with the sour, the rough with the smooth.

For good enlightenment teaching to happen there has to be digging. Digging to find a qualified teacher, digging for the right questions and the teacher has to dig to get all of the teaching out of himself. Not 1% of what I have spoken has ever reached the internet and not 1% of what I could teach has ever been spoken – so that’s less than 1/10,000 of the teaching is out in the wild.

I know some seekers hope that enlightenment is simply unending bliss – it is- but it is also never-ending responsibility to free souls from suffering. This leads nicely into the subject of Jesus. You know, Jesus? Hint: He isn’t the guy that invented Christmas, presents, trees and all. Do you know why He came to us?

What I wanted to let you see is some of the other stuff that I do, in this case, a post which I am writing to my Finnish students. Normally you won’t get to see those posts. This recent post is about the upcoming Jesus teaching event. I will post it as the next blog item soon. So much to write and so little time . . .

PostScript: The promised blog item was posted two days later, enjoy : To Be Good One Must Do Good

Parents Ordered to Court for Kids’ Injections – Nov 17, 2007

The post
Parents Ordered to Court for Kids’ Injections

has permanently moved to

Read my blog Un-Enlightened Society if you are not afraid to know how bad it gets before you can get to make it better http://society.oshana.org/