Inception Movie’s Spiritual Awakening Metaphors

*Inception* is one of those movies which offers valuable metaphors for spiritual teaching in the service of awakening. If you want to wake up from the dream and come back to reality then contact me – it’s what I am here for, Mal!

“Inception” is one of those movies which offers valuable metaphors for spiritual teaching. But a metaphor is only truly useful when it is fully realised or used in the service of awakening another.

“Inception” is about dreams, illusions, projections, inner defenses, internal sabotage, buried memories and unresolved issues. It won’t wake you up but with the guidance of an authentic spiritual teacher the movie can provide a new language of dreams for non-psychotherapists.

It’s progress if people start to wonder if their life is an illusion and start to seek for meaning. People are living in a dream which will, at the very least, fall apart when they die. How to bring the structures of the dream crashing down in such a way that the dream is exposed without destroying the fully functioning human mind? That question is for budding spiritual teachers.

Waking has to be done carefully and effectively otherwise the attempt will fail, take forever or worse crash and burn.

If you want to wake up from the dream and come back to Reality then contact me, Mal – it’s what I am here for.


I, therefore, strongly suggest that it is time to go fast track.

Every year, around Enlightenment Day, it becomes especially easy to awaken. An incredible amount of energy is liberated precisely for self-realisation.

This offer isn’t always available. That’s the message. Take it.

Dear Friends,

Summer is here! Never mind.

In Finland, everything stops as every formerly working person, escapes to the forest for rests. That’s why:

  • it’s the last live online class for awhile (all domestic internet services will terminate) but free audio and class replays continue
  • all registrations for the summer island retreat have to be in (you will know you are registered if you receive an email begging for a deposit on 09.06.09 or refusing your application)

Whatever you do locally for summer, I would like you to meditate on how many summers you have left (if this disturbs you then stop reading here). In Finland, there are only so many saunas you can have before your body shrivels up like a prune or a prawn and the big E-gal in the sky pecks you off.

This almost makes sense when you don’t think directly about it. The mind is incredibly over-invested in the illusion of continuity even when South Sea Bubble is absolutely certain to burst. Which means “you die, I die, we all die – spry, crisp ‘n dry.”

This summer marks the 9th Year of my Enlightenment (since 19.06.2000). This does not mean anything to you – but it could. All is lost unless you wake up from the dream of unreality. Only so many summers left for someone.

I, therefore, suggest (strongly for a change) that it is time to go fast track. There’s nothing to lose except all being lost. So, continuing on an uncharacteristic track, unseen since 2000-2002, I super strongly urge you to to bind up every ounce of grit and courage and go for IT. As I said, you have nothing to lose except everything, guaranteed.

Every year, around Enlightenment Day, it becomes especially easy to awaken. An incredible amount of energy is liberated precisely for self-realisation.

This offer isn’t always available. That’s the message. Take it.

Wanna go fast track? Think about it. Then act. Write me subject line: “I want to go fast track”

By the Grace and Living Light of the Enlightenment Transmission,
Dave Oshana

Investing in Loss: The Pure Way to Spiritual Enlightenment

If less is more then Nothing is Everything; Reality really is exactly like that. When everything that you have tried has failed then it is time to do things differently. Has it occurred to you that: You perceive problems because you create them? You never have enough time because you continually use it all up? You never arrive at your centre because you are always moving away from it? Your attempts to know yourself only create a false self? If so then it is time for you to apply *the principle of doing nothing.* From nothingness comes everything.

When everything that you have tried has failed then it is time to do things differently.

Has it occurred to you:

  • that you perceive problems because you create them?
  • that you never have enough time because you continually use it all up?
  • that you never arrive at your centre because you are always moving away from it?
  • that your attempts to know yourself only create a false self?

If so, then it is time for you to apply “the principle of doing nothing.” From nothingness comes everything, but from something only less can come. To turn the boat of your life around, and stop it steaming towards a less-than-pleasing horizon, your boat needs to reach a still point before it can change direction. Find the still point from where all potentiality can manifest.

If you like doing nothing,
and expect nothing,
then join this class,
but don’t be a slacker,
be a hacker
of consciousness,
I expect nothing more,
only less

If less is more then Nothing is Everything; Reality really is exactly like that.

I will show you exactly how to know all this and a new way of being.

Book your online classes now at

Investing in Loss: The Pure Way to Spiritual Enlightenment

The Enlightenment Teaching Legacy: Transmission, Power, Responsibility

With the free gift of Transmission the Oshana student is exposed to a powerful transformation process which affects their identity, behaviour and self-perception. This will present openings and challenges and invisibly present others with the hidden power to evolve. The student is strongly counselled to make the most of the potential spiritual growth energy which the Transmission brings, to move with it and not resist, to be gentle with others whilst fully conscious when they are ready to evolve. Hence, Transmission is a gift not only to the individual but also to significant others and the whole planet.

This Transmission Intensive opens up the spiritual seekers’ awareness of the wider dimensions involved in being a spiritual student, teacher and recipient of the Enlightenment Transmission.

Typically, in mass produced spirituality spiritual seekers are not brought “inside the door” i.e. given the necessary experiences, information and understanding to make the spiritual journey from gross identification to self-liberation.

In the Oshana Spiritual Teaching only a small number of students are taught allowing for the best possible customised learning environment beyond direct One-to-One tuition (which be excruciatingly intense and exacting).

With the free gift of the constantly available Transmission the Oshana student is exposed to a powerfully inexorable transformation process which will unstoppingly affect their identity, behaviour and self-perception. This will present openings and challenges and invisibly present others with the hidden power to evolve.

The student is strongly counselled to make the most of the potential spiritual growth energy which the Transmission brings, to move with it and not resist, to be gentle with others whilst fully conscious when they are ready to evolve. Hence, Transmission is a gift not only to the individual but also to significant others and the whole planet.

If time and relevance permits, and because it is Easter Sunday, we will take the real life example of Jesus (Christ) and explore how he managed this incredible energy and sought to fulfil duty to others.

Lights, Action, Transmission! After the Blast

Anyone who has experienced Transmission knows it is well powerful. Transmission is the real come to awaken you to the real. Seeker reactions to Transmission vary but there is always a reaction. Transmission is the long awaited big wave. How to surf it all the way home? Spiritual training is preparation for the Beyond The Beyond. Enter-taining? Apply with-in.

Anyone who has experienced Transmission knows it’s well powerful. As real as anything speeding on the road and then some (more). Transmission is the real come to awaken you to the real.

Like being awakened early? Some people do, and some don’t. Seekers’ reactions to Transmission vary but there is always a reaction from stunned amazed to stunned. That in itself is an event, a phenomenon, that people are affected at all. It isn’t the norm for spiritual events, except charismatic/cathartic rituals, which are typically as unstimulating as the umpteenth cold tea which the vicar accepted but did not drink (which is why stoned stimulant seekers, eschew the Salvation Army in favour of peyote-toting neo-shamans. “More E vicar?” will be the clarion call of the spiritually bankrupt bankrolling machine.)

It’s no wonder that spiritual seekers seek refuge in the last place that a Self-respecting aspirant should be seen – the bookshop. It’s the only place that seems to offer sense in the free market chaos of the topsy-turvy spiritual shopping mall. But it’s a trap, and enslavement to something far worse than the mail order book club debt-collector on the door – the mind’s machinations. Whilst prize courgette may grow from poop, the thousand-petalled lotus never arose from the dead-end mind. Minds don’t do wisdom anything like Consciousness does.

If Transmission is the long awaited big wave, then how to surf it all the way home? Forget about style, just hang on to that board, whatever happens it will be out of this world. That’s what this spiritual training is about, preparation for out-of-this-world, not the next world, but the Beyond The Beyond in this life, living from that place. Can you do two things at once? This is simpler.

If you followed this riff thus far and felt an immediate “yes yes, yes yes, yes yes” then apply with-in. If you didn’t then I hope you at least were enter-tained.

Absolute Trust In Total Existence

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

Complete rest and peace – when will it ever come? It does not need to come because it has always been here. Do not consider it a destination – for it is a journey of zero distance. Therefore effort, goal setting and reward seeking behaviour are inappropriate tools for your eventual transition to absolute peace of mind.

In the beginning you had pure peace and joy. You have not taken a journey away from it in this world. Therefore world effort and the things of this world cannot supply the solution.

The tragic event was a subtle internal shift of focus. A slip up from which you have eternally but erratically tried to recover your footing. The faster you back pedal, the more you lose your balance.

This Transmission Teaching is here to make obvious the exact subtle inner shift required to move from the World of Form and Appearance to the Realm Before Manifestation, the place of All-Knowing.

There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. This Sunday and every Sunday discover amazing rare spiritual treasures. Book your online classes now at First come, first served. You will receive a guidance email full of helpful suggestions for attending the live online class.

Absolute Freedom: Soul Level Karma-Free Action

A seminar by Dave Oshana

Absolute Freedom: Soul Level Karma-Free Action

Visit the birthplace of your soul, your true home, where all actions are karma-free and in harmony with the Universe and the Will of God. Understand the (Bodhisattva) principle of living to end pain and suffering of others. See beyond the illusory curtain of this world and realise the absolute freedom which you have inherited.

The laws of cause and effect, more poetically known as “karma”, seem to be in operation everywhere.  However, mystics have referred to a transcendental realm which is unaffected by karma – we can call it the “karma-free zone”.

The idea of karma is complex but in its simplest form it is that every action has an effect. The personal relevance is that the effects of your actions have to be paid off. Unfortunately, debt payments cannot be paid immediately but are staggered over many lifetimes.

Bad deeds a lot of suffering until you learn to discriminate right from wrong action. Fortunately, good works, which you surely do, mean lifetimes of rewards on heavenly planets, enjoying seemingly unlimited pleasures and being treated like a minor god. Unfortunately, your credit runs out and you get sent back down to Earth to repeat the process again – ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Eventually, you get tired of this unending cycle of reward and punishment and figure out that there must be more to life and you become a spiritual seeker.  From there on you set your sights, all though you don’t know it yet, on finding the “karma-free zone”. In the “karma-free zone” you don’t get attached to anything and so you don’t have to physically incarnate ever again – this amounts to a huge saving in living costs.  However, if you are a Bodhisattva-type, meaning a “really nice person”, then you incarnate to relieve the suffering of others.

However, the physical body is subject to the laws of physics. So in that sense the Bodhisattva-type suffers, because all bodies suffer, on Earth for the sake of others. But the Bodhisattva-type is experiencing life from a different place compared to the average person. Whilst his feet are firmly on the ground, his awareness is not in his head, or his earthly identity but his transcendental activities in his eternal home.

The Bodhisattva-type would like to go home forever but for the sake of others stays in the body. This might remind you of Jesus describing how His Father’s home is not of this world.
If you would like to visit this heavenly realm then you can. There are two types of visas, temporary stay and permanent.

The temporary heavenly visa means you get to experience bliss, freedom and expansion but you cannot stay there indefinitely and you can’t choose how long you can stay or when you can go back. The permanent visa means that you are in the heavenly karma-free zone all of the time. However, the price that you pay is that you can never experience life from a mundane human perspective and never feel that Earth is your proper home.

The “karma-free zone” is actually the Primordial Space from which all of Creation came. It is insubstantial and un-manifest. In that place there is no distance, time or matter. Yet everything is there. Because there are no things therefore there are no actions. This is why it is karma-less. Yet, we can go there anytime because it is our true Home from where we came and to where we will eventually return.

The good news is that you can visit your Home before you finish all your incarnations because you already exist in that place. However, your worldly filters out spiritual information and stops you experiencing the full magnitude of what you really are. The mind creates the illusion of a fictitious world. Called “maya” in Hinduism and “The Matrix” in modern stories.  I show ways to go beyond the mind to that place where you can experience absolute freedom, where actions have no karma and everything you do is in harmony with the Universe and God’s Will.

I Am Bringing Something Special To Your Country

Dear Seeker,

Can I call you a “seeker”? What is it you seek?

I think everyone is seeking happiness, but a spiritual seeker is one who has realised that long-lasting happiness does not lay in the trinkets promoted by society, such as, fame, fortune and power.

Jesus asked “What profiteth a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” The answer is “nothing”. It’s a piece of skillful rhetoric. If only the whole of humanity could realise the futility of chasing temporary illusions. Until they do, responsibility for this world is yours. If not you, then who?

First of all, wake up to your true purpose. Do not dream, suppose, assume or speculate but find the Truth and you will have found the Truth of Existence.

I am coming to your country to teach again. Nothing can stop me.

It took 500 years for the Buddha’s teaching to be written as scripture. Only then could the teaching be transported to influence China, Tibet, Japan, Korea and many other Far East countries.

I am bringing something special to your country. An energy. The Enlightenment Transmission. It can easily bring Awakening with no effort. This proven to be true in nearly every case, but Awakening is not Enlightenment. Awakening is glimpse of Reality. It is to get you started.

The Transmission is moving. Move with it. You will be rewarded with spiritual riches beyond imagination.

May all beings be free in 2008!

Dave Oshana