I don’t believe anything is true until I actually experience it
New seekers with stars in their eyes are sometimes shocked to discover that I don’t believe in anything. But it isn’t so bad a place to be because by not having a fixed position I can believe in everything. But why bother? Life is too short to believe this, that and the other – I’d rather experience Life and know what is real than believe in stories.
You won’t get off the spiritual path if you are invested in believing a single thing. Don’t believe – instead know. If you want to discover Reality then don’t believe in a single created thing. Reality is what precedes Creation.
On the spiritual path scepticism is your best friend. Scepticism sharpens the razor’s edge of discrimination. You need to be sharp, otherwise you will be the blunt tool (which rhymes with “fool”).
If you want to stay on the spiritual theme park merry-go-round then avoid discrimination at all costs. But if you are tired of the shiny, shimmering fake ride then hold scepticism in your bag of special abilities. It will get you out of some tight corners in which others have met their spiritual death through ignorance.
Awareness, energy and then scepticism are the first tools a spiritual seeker needs to climb the mountain to Enlightenment. If you are ready for the climb then join me this Sunday.