Dave Oshana gives practical suggestions to deal with the biggest continual problem in your life: your ego.
Watch out! Here comes the biggest challenge of your spiritual life. Huh! What’s that? Laziness, fear, doubt, meditator’s knee, the Catholic nun who taught you? No, not even close. It’s The Ego!
The Ego gets blamed for everything even the kitchen sink, if not at first, then inevitably in the end. The word “ego” is used on in common language, psychology, psychotherapy and spirituality. Wherever you look you find different definitions but generally the consensus opinion is that the ego is not good, bad, nasty, contaminating and reason for quick shower. But few people can find, let alone shake it off.
The Oshana Teaching makes it simple by taking aim at what you can identify: the problems in your life and by tracing them back to their causes dealing with the issue at source. So we are always dealing with what is real which makes our actions practical. Most common ideas about the ego are theoretical and the methods impossible to practice.
In the Oshana Teaching the ego’s influence is identified, traced and resolved.