News Flash “We regret to announce the delayed coming of 21st December 2012!

By the time you read this email “2012 – The Mayan Coffee Bean Marketing Event” will not have happened – not in any kind of dramatic way. Is this the time to shout “wake up and smell the coffee or the BS”?

Dear Enlightenment Seeker!

By the time you read this email “2012 – The Mayan Coffee Bean Marketing Event” will not have happened – not in any kind of dramatic way. Is this the time to shout "wake up and smell the coffee or the BS"?

What next? Enlightenment-Now, EnlightenNext? How about simply Enlightenment?

I am staking my 12 year reputation as a spiritual enlightenment teacher on claiming that nothing will happen on 21st December 2012 except that afterwards the days will start to get longer and lighter as they do every year as we move to mid-Summer.

As an enlightened spiritual teacher it is my duty to separate the true for the false. In that respect, as New Age groupies sit down to both save and celebrate humanity, I am unavoidably counter-counter-culture.

Spiritual teachings is littered with falsehoods, myths and misunderstandings. Ultimately, only you can discern the Truth.

Seeing is believing but when something does not happen the strange thing is that people continue to believe. As a former spiritual seeker myself I heard many "end of the world" prophecies which were supposed to happen in my lifetime. While it is getting worse out there materially, it is getting better "in here" spiritually.

The only sure path to salvation, eternity and immortality is within you where no one, and nothing, can take such progress away.

Winter is a time for going within – which is why I am offering gift meditations and some free classes and replays (news soon in upcoming email). Don’t forget the promotional code email a few weeks ago – one live class free for first time listeners.

I just completed the class “Remembrance: A Meditative Journey” on Sunday (which will be available as a replay soon). This Sunday 23rd December we will look at the post-2012 aftermath and other distractions on your spiritual path in “Getting Real With Yourself: 2012, The Secret, Myths and Other New Age Distractions”. It’s a live class, drop in online and tune out.

Be sure to catch the free class "The Whole Truth" on New Year’s Eve. As I go into my 13th year of Enlightenment Teaching and Enlightenment Transmission sharing, everything – as they say in the post-Christmas sales – must go!

Live Transmission Online Class Final for 2012

 podcast 23rd December (Sunday)
"Getting Real With Yourself: 2012, The Secret, Myths and Other New Age Distractions"

Focus on what truly matters – You!

 podcast 31st December (Monday)
"The Whole Truth"

The Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the spiritual Truth

No need to sit meditating upon small stuff. Lay back, look to the heavens and fly – in the recent online meditation “The Everything, Everywhere Meditation” (currently available as a high quality MP3 download only).

Blessings in the light of The Enlightenment Transmission,
Dave Oshana