Enlightenment Day & Responsibility

I believe that everyone can get enlightened.

Enlightenment Is Your Birthright

Enlightenment is the natural birthright from which you were cut off. The separation happened at such an early age that you can barely remember how it happened.

Helping Others Get Enlightened

My life’s work is helping others get enlightened. I got enlightened on 19th June 2000.

I do not see myself as special but I have something special to give to those who have not yet realised enlightenment.

I can introduce those spiritual seekers who are really ready for the ultimate gift, the final transformation of person-hood, to the wondrous experiences of being-ness which exists outside of this universe of space, matter and time.

When I completed my own spiritual journey for enlightenment, today is the 7th anniversary of my own enlightenment, my life completely changed. I went from being a private individual to immediately becoming a public enlightenment teacher. I was in a hurry to enlighten others. Someone commented via email “you sure landed on your feet running”.

Experience Enlightenment Not Concepts

For everyone who has believed anything about enlightenment, I can assuredly say that I wish that you could actually know living enlightenment, not as a concept, but as a reality for yourself.

Mind: Wrong Tool For Enlightenment

Enlightenment has been endlessly debated for thousands of years. Billions of conversations – enough words to fill all the internet servers in the world. Such are the machinations of the mind. The mind – the tool used to seek for enlightenment. The mind – the exact same device which – ironically – blocks enlightenment. Not that the mind is bad. It’s not bad – per se – it’s just not functioning in a way that supports enlightenment.

The Mind As Firewall Metaphor

The mind is like a firewall. A doorman to the soul. It either allows or denies information types. The unenlightened mind is configured to deny enlightened information and allow unenlightened information. The enlightened mind is configured differently. You may have already guessed that the mind of an enlightened is wired the opposite way.

Distribute The Full Enlightenment Teaching

The mind as firewall – neat concept, huh? A modern spiritual metaphor for modern technological times. You probably had not heard of it, even though it is only a basic concept in the Oshana Enlightenment Teaching. The more sophisticated concepts have, so far, only been received by those who are able to attend group teaching events in Finland and the UK. I wish it could be different and that the teaching could be more widely available.

I always wanted to share the Enlightenment Teaching with the world. God knows – you deserve it! Maybe, through the Internet, I can achieve that personal goal. But it does not depend only on my actions. It depends partly on you, and mostly on the Enlightenment Transmission.

Oshana: A Finger Pointing At The Spiritual Sun

For you who don’t know this: I don’t actually give Enlightenment. I am a messenger, an errand boy – not even a middle-man. By all means go straight to The Main Man – allegorical speech for the Source of Enlightenment – if you can. If not then come to me and I will see what deal we can do with The Man, aka Source, to get you enlightened.

Enlightenment Transmission: The Ancient Awakening Spirit Of Consciousness

I say, I am not even a middle-man because those spiritual affairs are handled by a spiritual power infinitely more versatile, flexible, omnipotent and omnipresent than little old me. That power, I call the Enlightenment Transmission – I have a reasonable hunch that Jesus called it (or her) the Holy Spirit (Hebrew: Ruach Ha’Kodesh). It logically follows then that the Enlightenment Transmission is that spiritual power which elevated Jesus from being a mere man to permanent Divine Communion, in other words, Oneness with God. But, as is often pointed out: with freedom comes responsibility.

Enlightened Humanity’s Responsibility

Would you like that amount of responsibility which Jesus carried on his shoulders? I don’t refer only to that well-known responsibility to remove the karmic debt of every member of the human race. Jesus had an even greater responsibility, which is rarely, if ever, spoken about – to fulfil the Mandate of Heaven.

What is the Mandate of Heaven? The Mandate of Heaven is to restore Universal Harmony. Mankind just happens to be a very important part of that Restoration Plan, because as co-creators, we are agents of change standing in the position of energetic mediators between Heaven & Earth.

That last paragraph was quite pithy! It indicates how deep the Enlightenment Teaching gets – fast.

First Revelation, Second Conversation

The Teaching is profound and if you don’t understand it, then like any teaching, it can lose the listener who does not have the ears to hearing. Hearing, or proper comprehension, depends on having necessary revelatory experiences, aka realisations. Consequently, the Oshana Enlightenment Teaching considers revelatory experience to be more important than concepts. Concepts are just symbolic co-ordinates to check that we are on the same map grid when we communicate. However, if a person has not travelled the terrain described by the map, then they probably won’t understand what they are looking at – and, if they are not well-trained then they could be a danger to themselves and others.

Handling Life, Dealing With Energies

The spiritual journey is a real path but it is totally invisible because it is completely internal. Since spirituality concerns itself with the mind, energetic channels, the nervous system and internal organs and vast inner galaxies beyond the mind it is not something to be casually played with.

Out in the field, real spirituality, is a difficult but precious commodity to handle. The difficulties arise from unpredictable energetic variables. Energy powers the mind and the emotions. Consequently, energetic imbalance can create mental, emotional and physical disaster areas. Fortunately, most of us are healthy and able to handle energetic change. Spiritual training can help immensely in this area.

Who Is Ready To Receive More Transmission?

So who is ready to “step up the plate” clear all the bases on the field and run all the way home ? If you get the baseball metaphor then did you also get that you could be on the side of the Enlightenment Transmission? It was not a side that I chose. The Transmission chose me. Not because, IMHO, because I am special but because I made myself available.

The Enlightenment Transmission, the exact same energy, which empowered Jesus could empower you – you just have to be there when enlightenment strikes next!