Distributing More Enlightenment Transmission Teaching

Dear Seeker,

I am constantly amazed by the Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching.

7 years ago, before my Enlightenment Day on 19th June 2000, there was no Teaching – there was only Transmission. Even the concept of Transmission did not exist. There were only the results – unimaginably fantastic results.

The Transmission started flowing from the very moment that I got enlightened. The actual Teaching started flowing when the first students appeared (and that was very fast). The Transmission flows continuously, day and night, reaching students near and far. It is truly breathtaking to experience and witness its great intelligence and works.

Transmission brings spiritual growth, healing and purification to the recipient. Transmission also creates the Teaching from which knowledge and understanding arise. The ultimate aim of Transmission is self-realisation for individuals and healing for the human race.

The Teaching corrects misunderstandings about the Enlightenment process. Without Teaching there is no map. Without a map there is only misdirection. When, and if, awakening happens a person without a map becomes bewildered, even crazy.

Less than 0.01% of Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching ever makes it into print. Consequently, a casual visitor to the Oshana Teaching web-sites never understands the full meaning and absolute value of the Transmission Teaching. I am quite certain that even the most convinced and committed students have not yet realised the comprehensive purpose of the Teaching.

The human mind cannot instantly comprehend the Truth, but the essence of the soul can. Eventually the mind becomes enlightened. The mind’s teacher is the soul, which channels Transmission.

My aim is to distribute the Enlightenment Transmission Teaching to a much wider audience. Until now the Teaching has been known only to those fortunate enough to group events and one-to-ones. Now with the help of those students the Teaching will go out to the public. It is clear that teaching and guidance must be made widely available to reverse the destructive trends within human society.

Seekers who have read only my latest blog posts may wonder “where is the spiritual enlightenment in discussing such a terrible thing as the recent school massacre in Finland”? Or those who read about Jesus and The Transmission might wonder “Is Oshana mixing metaphors”? I can assure you that there is the same spirituality in all these concerns – there just has not been the time to explain it online. Almost nothing has been explained fully to the public. But, now with the help of committed students that situation can be rectified.

My UK coordinator, suggested that a post from our Finnish list, Enlightenment-Finland, be distrubuted more widely. Consequently, the post has been pasted (with a few explanations about Finnish language) on my blog as ” To Be Good One Must Do Good” at https://blog.oshana.org/to-be-good-one-must-do-good/

I trust that such posts on my blog Spiritual Enlightenment are the first steps in making the Teaching more accessible.

There will also be distance learning for overseas students meaning “live online classrooms”. The first class was a few days ago. If you are interested in the next class (Jan 2008) then please pre-register by email.

Wishing All Life Abundant Blessings Through The Transmission,

Dave Oshana

Jesus’ Path – Increasing The Good Works

A Martian tuning over the last few weeks might assume that this blog is about nothing more than the Jokela High School massacre. He or she (presuming that Martians have sex like everyone else – gratuitous anthropomorphic search engine bait noted) might wonder what does this blog have to do with Spiritual Enlightenment? Of course, it has everything to do with Enlightenment. Healing the immense psychological trauma resulting from the Jokela tragedy has everything to do with the enlightened life.

An enlightened person cannot just switch off and pretend that the Jokela High School children are not intensely confused and afraid. Daily they walk the same corridors where the blood of their friends and family was spilled. The trauma radiates out of Jokela like a seismic tsunami engulfing Finland and the world. Reports of copy-cat incidents planned, thwarted and attempted are coming in daily.

I would like to report that it is all being taken care of by the authorities, by the angels or life – but it isn’t. If teachers are breaking down seven years after the Columbine Massacre then what waits around the corner in Jokela? We can’t solve every problem today, but are Finnish children convinced that they are any safer now? Nothing has changed. While the rest of Finland might forget, the Jokela kids will remember their scars forever.
[I can get back to the Jokela issue in another post or maybe even start a new blog about social issues.]

A Martian, I am sure, would read deeper into this blog. In some parts of the world, let alone the universe, good enlightenment teaching is non-existent. You don’t want to go there, believe me! The Martian will harvest all the enlightenment information which there is to get – the sweet with the sour, the rough with the smooth.

For good enlightenment teaching to happen there has to be digging. Digging to find a qualified teacher, digging for the right questions and the teacher has to dig to get all of the teaching out of himself. Not 1% of what I have spoken has ever reached the internet and not 1% of what I could teach has ever been spoken – so that’s less than 1/10,000 of the teaching is out in the wild.

I know some seekers hope that enlightenment is simply unending bliss – it is- but it is also never-ending responsibility to free souls from suffering. This leads nicely into the subject of Jesus. You know, Jesus? Hint: He isn’t the guy that invented Christmas, presents, trees and all. Do you know why He came to us?

What I wanted to let you see is some of the other stuff that I do, in this case, a post which I am writing to my Finnish students. Normally you won’t get to see those posts. This recent post is about the upcoming Jesus teaching event. I will post it as the next blog item soon. So much to write and so little time . . .

PostScript: The promised blog item was posted two days later, enjoy : To Be Good One Must Do Good