Complete rest and peace – when will it ever come? It does not need to come because it has always been here. Do not consider it a destination – for it is a journey of zero distance. Therefore effort, goal setting and reward seeking behaviour are inappropriate tools for your eventual transition to absolute peace of mind.
In the beginning you had pure peace and joy. You have not taken a journey away from it in this world. Therefore world effort and the things of this world cannot supply the solution.
The tragic event was a subtle internal shift of focus. A slip up from which you have eternally but erratically tried to recover your footing. The faster you back pedal, the more you lose your balance.
This Transmission Teaching is here to make obvious the exact subtle inner shift required to move from the World of Form and Appearance to the Realm Before Manifestation, the place of All-Knowing.
There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.
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