Why You Need At Least 3 People To Help Get You Enlightened

I figured out that you need at least 3 people to help you get Enlightened. Some seekers believe a teacher or guide is necessary to get enlightened and some do not. But what is the reality? You need 3 people for the Enlightenment Process to be effective. Throw out the old rusty traditional Enlightenment Handbook and observe how it happens live and direct.

I figured out that you need at least 3 people to help you get Enlightened. Some seekers believe a teacher or guide is necessary to get enlightened and some do not. But what is the reality? I will explain, without recourse to hackneyed old traditional speculative answers, something which I had no clue about on the day that I got Enlightened, which is that you need 3 people for the Enlightenment Process to be effective.

energy meditation

Since becoming a spiritual teacher following my Enlightenment on 19 June 2000, I have felt that I can make a crucial difference for other seekers to find their own Enlightenment. In reality, I could not see how they could do it without my help, and for this reason felt compelled to teach even though I had never wanted to teach. Based on nearly 10 years of teaching experience, I can definitely, declare that miracles happen consistently on a daily basis. I notice a dramatic and unprecedented rise in awareness, energy and ability of seekers who connect to the Enlightenment Transmission. Although, this continually happens I am still frequently surprised, in awe and grateful.

We can now throw out the old rusty traditional Enlightenment Handbook and observe how it happens live and direct. Truly, I can say that seekers who connect to the Enlightenment Transmission are experiencing a seemingly impossible rebirth and enjoying a new existence.

The typical rationalisation given by religious institutions for having a teacher is that everyone needs a teacher for every activity in life. I have always disagreed with this because some activities happen naturally and that Life is the Teacher. I also believe that Enlightenment is a natural God-given birthright. However, there are, within each seeker obstructions, which I as a spiritual midwife can remove when the seeker requests it.

I also have always maintained that Enlightenment should happen out there, in Life, and not in a monastery. I do not live in a temple; I live in the real world, because that is where Life is happening. However, I do also recommend an occasional, temporary retreat from the distractions of everyday life to benefit from a continuous and intense exposure to the Enlightenment Transmission for those who are able to cope with transformations and openings.

Coming back to the title of this live online class, "Why You Need At Least 3 People To Help Get You Enlightened", I will explain. As I have taken so much of your time already, I will simply give you a clue – only one of those 3 persons has to be an enlightened spiritual teacher!

Join in this live online class on 30th May 2010 or order the replay even if you are just the tiniest bit interested in Enlightenment and how it can be brought about.

Pentecost 2009: The Fire Of Transmission

Pentecost 2009 is the year of opportunity wherein you can make a permanent connection to the Transmission, expand your limited identity and experience Life, Creation and Consciousness in all of its fullness. Make the connection; take the opportunity, because in life there is no guarantee of finding it this easily ever again.

The Holy Spirit is back!

Transmission is the fire from heaven, brighter than a billion suns, which releases the soul from its entanglement from the ego’s illusory identity

Nine years of Enlightenment, nine years of teaching – the same fire, The Transmission, which seared through the ties of my old identity, continues to burn away at the mistaken identification suffered by everyone who takes birth on this planet.

Transmission is the Holy Spirit which lifted up a simple, ordinary man to be the Christ, propelling him out of the wilderness, and into the cities to end the illusory path of mankind – which inevitably led to the end of his physical life. But Transmission, cannot be stopped, it is here from age to age because we tourists on Earth, yearn to be re-connected to our Homeplace.

Transmission will connect you to that place, the Source of Creation, from which you come, and to which you will return.
2009 is the year of opportunity wherein you can make a permanent connection to the Transmission, expand your limited identity and experience Life, Creation and Consciousness in all of its fullness. Make the connection; take the opportunity, because in life there is no guarantee of finding it this easily ever again.

Pentecost 2009: The Fire Of Transmission


Absolute Trust In Total Existence

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

Complete rest and peace – when will it ever come? It does not need to come because it has always been here. Do not consider it a destination – for it is a journey of zero distance. Therefore effort, goal setting and reward seeking behaviour are inappropriate tools for your eventual transition to absolute peace of mind.

In the beginning you had pure peace and joy. You have not taken a journey away from it in this world. Therefore world effort and the things of this world cannot supply the solution.

The tragic event was a subtle internal shift of focus. A slip up from which you have eternally but erratically tried to recover your footing. The faster you back pedal, the more you lose your balance.

This Transmission Teaching is here to make obvious the exact subtle inner shift required to move from the World of Form and Appearance to the Realm Before Manifestation, the place of All-Knowing.

There is only one thing you can absolutely trust and depend in because it is not a thing. It will never leave you. I call it Transmission. You can call it Truth. Find it and be free and happy in each and every moment. This is discovering the Truth Beyond Existence.

For the first time ever, high level spiritual teaching is now available in the comfort of your own home through an internet connection. This Sunday and every Sunday discover amazing rare spiritual treasures. Book your online classes now at daveoshana.com. First come, first served. You will receive a guidance email full of helpful suggestions for attending the live online class.

Absolute Freedom: Soul Level Karma-Free Action

A seminar by Dave Oshana

Absolute Freedom: Soul Level Karma-Free Action

Visit the birthplace of your soul, your true home, where all actions are karma-free and in harmony with the Universe and the Will of God. Understand the (Bodhisattva) principle of living to end pain and suffering of others. See beyond the illusory curtain of this world and realise the absolute freedom which you have inherited.

The laws of cause and effect, more poetically known as “karma”, seem to be in operation everywhere.  However, mystics have referred to a transcendental realm which is unaffected by karma – we can call it the “karma-free zone”.

The idea of karma is complex but in its simplest form it is that every action has an effect. The personal relevance is that the effects of your actions have to be paid off. Unfortunately, debt payments cannot be paid immediately but are staggered over many lifetimes.

Bad deeds a lot of suffering until you learn to discriminate right from wrong action. Fortunately, good works, which you surely do, mean lifetimes of rewards on heavenly planets, enjoying seemingly unlimited pleasures and being treated like a minor god. Unfortunately, your credit runs out and you get sent back down to Earth to repeat the process again – ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Eventually, you get tired of this unending cycle of reward and punishment and figure out that there must be more to life and you become a spiritual seeker.  From there on you set your sights, all though you don’t know it yet, on finding the “karma-free zone”. In the “karma-free zone” you don’t get attached to anything and so you don’t have to physically incarnate ever again – this amounts to a huge saving in living costs.  However, if you are a Bodhisattva-type, meaning a “really nice person”, then you incarnate to relieve the suffering of others.

However, the physical body is subject to the laws of physics. So in that sense the Bodhisattva-type suffers, because all bodies suffer, on Earth for the sake of others. But the Bodhisattva-type is experiencing life from a different place compared to the average person. Whilst his feet are firmly on the ground, his awareness is not in his head, or his earthly identity but his transcendental activities in his eternal home.

The Bodhisattva-type would like to go home forever but for the sake of others stays in the body. This might remind you of Jesus describing how His Father’s home is not of this world.
If you would like to visit this heavenly realm then you can. There are two types of visas, temporary stay and permanent.

The temporary heavenly visa means you get to experience bliss, freedom and expansion but you cannot stay there indefinitely and you can’t choose how long you can stay or when you can go back. The permanent visa means that you are in the heavenly karma-free zone all of the time. However, the price that you pay is that you can never experience life from a mundane human perspective and never feel that Earth is your proper home.

The “karma-free zone” is actually the Primordial Space from which all of Creation came. It is insubstantial and un-manifest. In that place there is no distance, time or matter. Yet everything is there. Because there are no things therefore there are no actions. This is why it is karma-less. Yet, we can go there anytime because it is our true Home from where we came and to where we will eventually return.

The good news is that you can visit your Home before you finish all your incarnations because you already exist in that place. However, your worldly filters out spiritual information and stops you experiencing the full magnitude of what you really are. The mind creates the illusion of a fictitious world. Called “maya” in Hinduism and “The Matrix” in modern stories.  I show ways to go beyond the mind to that place where you can experience absolute freedom, where actions have no karma and everything you do is in harmony with the Universe and God’s Will.

I Am Bringing Something Special To Your Country

Dear Seeker,

Can I call you a “seeker”? What is it you seek?

I think everyone is seeking happiness, but a spiritual seeker is one who has realised that long-lasting happiness does not lay in the trinkets promoted by society, such as, fame, fortune and power.

Jesus asked “What profiteth a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” The answer is “nothing”. It’s a piece of skillful rhetoric. If only the whole of humanity could realise the futility of chasing temporary illusions. Until they do, responsibility for this world is yours. If not you, then who?

First of all, wake up to your true purpose. Do not dream, suppose, assume or speculate but find the Truth and you will have found the Truth of Existence.

I am coming to your country to teach again. Nothing can stop me.

It took 500 years for the Buddha’s teaching to be written as scripture. Only then could the teaching be transported to influence China, Tibet, Japan, Korea and many other Far East countries.

I am bringing something special to your country. An energy. The Enlightenment Transmission. It can easily bring Awakening with no effort. This proven to be true in nearly every case, but Awakening is not Enlightenment. Awakening is glimpse of Reality. It is to get you started.

The Transmission is moving. Move with it. You will be rewarded with spiritual riches beyond imagination.

May all beings be free in 2008!

Dave Oshana

Fully Comprehensive Spirituality: Transmission Included

Dear Seekers,

Warm greetings at this dark, white, time of year.

The purpose of all my teaching events is spiritual restoration. You can think of it as “healing” but it is much more than that.

The meetings are tailored to the energetic needs of the participants by an all-important energy: The Transmission.

The Transmission is immensely wise. It caters to a person’s spiritual needs, creates freedom from ego and accelerates spiritual growth and development.

The Transmission cleans the energy body and opens the psychic senses. You will notice that chronic emotional issues and obsessive thoughts simply vanish.

However, this spiritual work, although easy in the sense that much of it is done by The Transmission and not by you (how can you do what you don’t know how to do?) does require your ability to accept fundamental changes in your life. You will perceive differently, think differently and live differently.

Transmission is the most important part of my work, but there is also a body of practical knowledge. The basics can be learned quickly, and if sincerely practiced lead to powerful life changes.

I say that the Teaching is “Fully Comprehensive Spirituality” meaning that it covers all areas of human life and Existence.

An important set of techniques are taught in the Oshana Energy-Work Method. Through this Method you can clear many psychological and emotional blockages and re-connect to the Earth and Heavens. Once your inner senses re-open you will understand the lifestyle advice which I give to protect your growth and development. This is especially important in the modern world.

Finally, to be a spiritual human being is to serve others. The aim of all this teaching is to know who you are, why you cam here and what you have to do. I call that “Enlightenment”.

Everyone who wants to attend a 1-day Deeper Understanding Intensive should attend a recent Introduction as a preparation. I also invite potential participants to email me some details about their spiritual search as part of the teaching process.

Overseas Intensives consist of a guided meditation, energy-work and a lecture with time for questions and answers.

I will continue teaching in Finland this year. I will add to my schedule areas of social life that need to be spiritually addressed including: natural childbirth, breastfeeding, mothering, education and partnership.

Are you ready?

May all beings be free in 2008!

Dave Oshana

I Don’t Have Students

I avoid the expression “my students” wherever possible. Ideally, the word “student” would disappear from my “teaching” (ha ha) vocabulary. The truth is that I don’t have students because Truth cannot be studied.

Being described as a “teacher” further complicates the matter but this is because tax officers demand that I fit into a category which does not exist and search engines are designed to index words but not Transmission. (If you think that you don’t know what Transmission is then you have an amazing discovery to make.)

So who are these people attending my “classes” and “courses”? Hopefully, they will eventually discover that “people” they are not.

At night the moths gather around the candle-flame, immolate, incandesce and go beyond form. The flame is The Transmission. The moths are actually fireflies who believe they are butterflies when in fact they are brilliant lights.

I don’t teach. I don’t do anything except hold the space. The Transmission reveals to you what might be considered “teaching” but it is only teaching to those who do not know it. Only those who consider themselves students believe that they require teaching.

Distributing More Enlightenment Transmission Teaching

Dear Seeker,

I am constantly amazed by the Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching.

7 years ago, before my Enlightenment Day on 19th June 2000, there was no Teaching – there was only Transmission. Even the concept of Transmission did not exist. There were only the results – unimaginably fantastic results.

The Transmission started flowing from the very moment that I got enlightened. The actual Teaching started flowing when the first students appeared (and that was very fast). The Transmission flows continuously, day and night, reaching students near and far. It is truly breathtaking to experience and witness its great intelligence and works.

Transmission brings spiritual growth, healing and purification to the recipient. Transmission also creates the Teaching from which knowledge and understanding arise. The ultimate aim of Transmission is self-realisation for individuals and healing for the human race.

The Teaching corrects misunderstandings about the Enlightenment process. Without Teaching there is no map. Without a map there is only misdirection. When, and if, awakening happens a person without a map becomes bewildered, even crazy.

Less than 0.01% of Oshana Enlightenment Transmission Teaching ever makes it into print. Consequently, a casual visitor to the Oshana Teaching web-sites never understands the full meaning and absolute value of the Transmission Teaching. I am quite certain that even the most convinced and committed students have not yet realised the comprehensive purpose of the Teaching.

The human mind cannot instantly comprehend the Truth, but the essence of the soul can. Eventually the mind becomes enlightened. The mind’s teacher is the soul, which channels Transmission.

My aim is to distribute the Enlightenment Transmission Teaching to a much wider audience. Until now the Teaching has been known only to those fortunate enough to group events and one-to-ones. Now with the help of those students the Teaching will go out to the public. It is clear that teaching and guidance must be made widely available to reverse the destructive trends within human society.

Seekers who have read only my latest blog posts may wonder “where is the spiritual enlightenment in discussing such a terrible thing as the recent school massacre in Finland”? Or those who read about Jesus and The Transmission might wonder “Is Oshana mixing metaphors”? I can assure you that there is the same spirituality in all these concerns – there just has not been the time to explain it online. Almost nothing has been explained fully to the public. But, now with the help of committed students that situation can be rectified.

My UK coordinator, suggested that a post from our Finnish list, Enlightenment-Finland, be distrubuted more widely. Consequently, the post has been pasted (with a few explanations about Finnish language) on my blog as ” To Be Good One Must Do Good” at http://blog.oshana.org/to-be-good-one-must-do-good/

I trust that such posts on my blog Spiritual Enlightenment are the first steps in making the Teaching more accessible.

There will also be distance learning for overseas students meaning “live online classrooms”. The first class was a few days ago. If you are interested in the next class (Jan 2008) then please pre-register by email.

Wishing All Life Abundant Blessings Through The Transmission,

Dave Oshana

To Be Good One Must Do Good

As promised in the previous blog post Jesus’ Path – Increasing The Good Works I have pasted below one of those frequent, special messages sent to my Finnish students which English speakers seldom get to see. However, it is becoming clear to me that what people need today in this age of degraded understanding is clear unambiguous, unconfused spiritual teaching. Therefore, I will increase the efforts to distribute the Enlightenment Transmission Teaching to a wider audience far beyond the limited amount who are fortunate enough to attend classes in person.

Dear Seeker,

To be good one must do good.

An enlightened person has to share all good things with everyone. A person who wants to become enlightened has to start sharing to become worthy of enlightenment.

We remember Jesus at Christmas not because he was good but because he did good. Jesus encouraged his students to do good. He prayed for them when they had difficulties in expressing absolute goodness.

I sometimes hope that if my students can no longer access me, or the Transmission, that they can at least access Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are all the same.

Nearly all of you, I am sure, have been through the rippileiri (lit. Confirmation Camp) coming of age rite of passage. Did you know that it is an initiation? In that act of initiation you have made a promise in front of your family and community, and to God, to be with Jesus. I wondered if the meaning was lost so I checked with evl.fi (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland). There I found this important statement “During the Confirmation ceremony the person being confirmed commits to being a disciple of Jesus by joining in the creed.”

The good news is that Jesus has a connection to you. He will wait for you as long as it takes, even during the times when you turn your back on him. God waits, the Universe waits, your true self – all await the homecoming of you – when you become who you truly are.

Jesus is just the beginning. I am not teaching a path of dependency but co-operative harmonious independence. Jesus asked his disciples to go on and do even greater things than He. You can only do that by finding your own God given powers. I teach that every child born brings special gifts and powers to this planet, not for themselves, but in service of the good of the whole. If you can live like that you will know Enlightenment and more. Heaven will open up and teach you many things which others will consider mysteries and miracles.

The unfortunate aspect of the rippileiri in Finland today is that thousands of children every year are pressured in to making a false commitment to Christ. The pressures, ironically, are materialistic: presents, money, tradition, peer pressure and family expectations. It is truly heartbreaking that children are encouraged into a situation where they end up lying to God. If this touches a raw nerve for Finns then I apologise but I cannot change the way I feel about it. Participation in the ceremony is often an act of hypocrisy and not one of faith.

If a child truly commits to Jesus then fair enough, let no man rent them asunder. A child has that right. However society does not consider a 15 year old child old enough to decide their own life or even to sign on a contract.

If parents want to celebrate their child’s coming of age, and if the child is not interested in Jesus or the modern day church, then an alternative party should be arranged to save the child from making a false promise to God. The next promise the child will make on a church altar will probably be the marriage vows. Let’s teach the sacred importance of keeping holy promises.

I wrote this email intending to inform you about the upcoming Jesus Christmas Intensive on Thursday 6th December 2007, Jesus’ Sending Out The 72 In The Spirit of Transmission during the Independence Day holiday.

However, my attention has been directed by recent events to Finnish society. A team of 10 students in cooperation with the Tuusula community arranged the first and only public discussion about solutions for preventing another Jokela tragedy. Although the event venue was cancelled at the last minute by Tuusula kunta (municipality), the message of hope reached all of Finland via the Finnish media and was followed by offers of help and support. My energy has been with supporting the organising team. As I stated at the beginning: to be good is to do good. Transmission and God’s love goes most strongly to those who dare to care. (It also goes to the growing number of Oshana Energy-Work teachers who give their time to help others.)

It was my intention for this season to be more free to do other projects and I did, they just were not imaginable: Tallinn, Seoul, Tuusula and finally a wedding! Two Oshana students “tied the knot”, i.e. got married. I happily gave the wedding party speech about spiritual marriage and family. These will be hot topics in 2008.

And so, purpose of this email (the first shall be the last, as Jesus said) Jesus’ Sending Out The 72 In The Spirit of Transmission. Basically, Jesus was not working alone. He was working under the instruction of the Transmission, the Holy Spirit. The Transmission did not expect Jesus to work alone. Jesus chose 12 and then 72 disciples. Jesus pointed out that these disciples were to follow the Holy Spirit and do greater deeds than Him.

If you want to to have an extra special feeling, and a meaningful message, this Christmas then please contact OshanaOffice Finland.


Christmas blessings to all who love truth,

Dave Oshana