Looking Deeply Into A Person’s Soul

Soul-to-Soul connection, growth and development can happen every moment because of the Enlightenment Transmission

One of the recognised characteristics of the Enlightenment Transmission is the ability to look deeply into the soul of another. It happens spontaneously, without conscious desire. It simply requires tuning into what is already happening, a recognition that a deeper inner connection is there. This special online class, which explores a little known area of the Enlightenment Teaching, is the final class this season – no new dates have been confirmed.

Soul-to-Soul connection, growth and development can happen every moment because of the Enlightenment Transmission

One of the recognised characteristics of the Enlightenment Transmission is the ability to look deeply into the soul of another. It happens spontaneously, without conscious desire. It simply requires tuning into what is already happening, a recognition that a deeper inner connection is there. It feels like “locking on” – when two ships magnetically draw each other closer in outer space due to an invisible traction beam.

When we join with another they have the potential to breathe easier, to grow and develop. Transmission is like the sun giving life potential to everything which it touches.

When you go deeply into the present moment you can find yourself in communion with whatever presents itself. Typically, people treat others and themselves superficially, even when they are really crying inside for contact. This Transmission-oriented soul-to-soul connection is deeper than mere eye gazing, and can happen without even being physically present. However, people understand better when all of their sense can be involved.

Deep soul connection is an invisible prayer happening spontaneously outside of the mind – it says that we are together in this thing called Life, and that we can be victorious, and succeed, because we have contact with an eternal realm even in the midst of change.

This special online class, which explores a little known area of the Enlightenment Teaching, is the final class this season – no new dates have been confirmed. Please feel free to book the class at daveoshana.com. As always: first come, first served. You will receive a helpful email about preparing for the class.

Looking Deeply Into A Person’s Soul
